Chapter 3

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I stepped out of the shower, meeting the cold air against my wet skin. I stared at myself in the mirror, looking at my long wet black hair and big green eyes. From my nose that slightly points upwards, to divet in my collar bones to my shoulders.

I sighed and turned to walk out of the already opened door of the bathroom and into my room.


I screamed and dropped the towel wrapped around my body as arms made their way around my shoulders. Our bodies hit the ground, hard.

"Why didn't you come home?! I found your shit right outside of the forest lines, I thought something happened to you!" It was Logan.

I groaned pushing her off of me, "I'm sorry. I figured you knew where I was." She growled and stood up off the ground. "Next time tell me. Don't scare me like that. I wouldn't of told anyone. What if something happened to you. What if you never came bac-,"

"I always come home. You know that." I snapped. She huffed and sat on my bed.

I got up off the ground and wrapped the towel back around me. Sighing, I walked towards my closet and pulled out a pair of black leggings and an oversized maroon hoodie along with a thong and bra and slipped it on before walking back out.

Logan was sitting in the edge of my bed.

"So how's Bennett?" She questioned.

I snorted, "still obsessed with me but what else is new."

She laughed as did I. She's always known about Bennett and I, he's pretty obvious about it and I would never lie to her.

"He just won't move on from you Car, he needs to find his mate and obsess over her and not my best friend." She has a valid point. But we have been close since we were younger, he's always protected me and looked out for me.

"Let's go eat breakfast."

I slipped on my white converse and interlocked my arm with Logan's.

"Your mom is an amazing cook, I can not wait to eat." I started walking faster, dragging Logan with me.

We walked down the stairs together and into the kitchen where almost every pack member sat, grabbing food and talking amongst themselves. I gained a few stares from some of the unmated males but kept my eyes trained on one thing, food. I quickly grabbed a plate and piled food on top until the shiny ceramic was no longer showing. I turned around with a huge smile on my face and showed Logan, who shared the same expression.

"I am so excited!" We said in unison.

We walked over to the main table where our parents and siblings sat. I noticed Sebastian sitting next to my father. Sebastian is my other brother, he's about 20 years old and is one of the best fighters we have in our pack. I nudged him with my elbow as I walked past.

"Hey care-bear, guess you finally decided to come home,"

I rolled my eyes, "I couldn't not see my favorite brother," I said loud enough for Casey to hear. Which earned myself a glare from his way. I laughed as I took a seat next to Logan, across from Sebastian. The seat to my right was left open, waiting for its new champion to take its place.

"So Case, how's everything going?" I rambled on, shoving a forkful of food into my mouth.

"It's good. We have meetings set up with surrounding packs about the rouge problems we've been having. We also have new recruits transferring in from Aurora River coming in a few days. Apparently their Alpha wasn't too satisfied with their capabilities and offered them to us. Training for all pack members will be more intense going forward as we need to be more in control and knowledgeable about what needs to be done around here", I nodded my head. I glanced at my father who stared at Casey intently. I can tell he's proud of him, but also upset that he no longer has the Alpha responsibilities to ease his mind.

It was me who convinced him to step down and allow Casey to take over. It's been too much on him doing everything alone. Most pack members looked to my mother for comfort and advice in the pack. It was a happy medium between the Alpha and the Luna. My father couldn't do it himself anymore. With Casey being Alpha, it's better in a way. When he finds his mate and order can be restored again, it's better for the pack. It can make us stronger. My father understands.

I shot him a soft smile to which he returned.

"With that being said, I want no one wandering the territory without someone present with them. It's not safe being out there. The rouges pass through so easily somehow without the boarder patrols knowing. Until then, we need to be cautious about what we are doing."

I can sense some pack members tuning into our conversation. But as I looked around the table, I realized everyone was staring at me.

"Yeah okay, I fall asleep one time and you all bug out because I don't come home. I get it, so leave me alone." I grabbed my now empty plate and walked to the sink, washed it really quick and left it on the side to dry.

I walked outside, ignoring the stares and conversations happening around me. I reached for my phone in my pocket and pulled it out.


Training starts in a half hour. Every Saturday and Sunday morning, all pack members begin our training at ten.

I'll walk around a bit.

My feet led me into the trees. I was just told not to go anywhere without someone, but the forest lures me in every time. The smell, the way it looks, it's mysterious personality. It's part of me. I walked for about 10 minutes and reached a small clearing I've never seen before. As I stop walking, I hear nearing footsteps crunching leaves and old branches behind me.

Pretending I don't hear, I walked further into the clearing.

They're right behind us. Nymeria.

I nodded subconsciously. Within seconds I turn and had my stalker on the ground.

"If this is what it takes to get you on top of me, I should do this more often."

I retracted my teeth and closed my eyes tight allowing my eyes to return back to their light shade of green.

"Bennett why the fuck would you do that," I said, slapping his chest. "Well Casey did just tell you not to leave without someone. I'm just following orders." He raises his hands, as if to say don't shoot.

"Well you could've told me that bef-", in seconds he flipped us over. His head bent down to my neck, leaving small kisses down to my collar bone. My arms are trapped underneath him. "Bennett, get off me you fat log," he scoffed and looked up, "did you just call me big?"

"Yes you moron, now get off me."

He smiled down at me, his blonde curls almost covering his bright blue eyes. I wiggled underneath him, which made his pretty blues turn into a dark stormy ocean. I bit my lip, not moving an inch.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." His voice was deeper. Unrecognizable even. He shut his eyes tightly and then opened them, staring directly at me. Swirls of black, dark blue and his normal baby blue, circled his eyes. His wolf was trying to take over.

I pulled my hands out from underneath him and laid a hand on his cheek,

"Just relax, it's okay." He sighed and rolled off me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen." I nodded understandingly. This wasn't the first time he's done this.

"You know you'll find her some day." I said, while staring up at the white clouds above us. He sighed,

"Yeah... yeah I know I will."


'not edited'



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