Chapter 5:The Killer (Edited)

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Reino's P.O.V

Master told me about the different kinds of tests Musume-chan had to go through... After that, I read the letter. It read:
Dear Reino, if Makarov gave this to you, you probably already know about the tests that I had to do... I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you I was a demon god. I thought you would hate me for lying to you... I also got killed for a reason. It was because I had a deadline to complete the trust test, if I died, it would mean that I didn't complete the test on time. The man who killed me was part of the Demon Council, it's like the Magic Council but for demons. That's why I died...


"I-I'm do-do-done r-reading." I tell master.

"And I think I know who killed her!!" I exclaim, positive about my guess.

"I'm not sure though, but I know that this person is from the Demon Council." I guess out loud, feeling less confident now.

"I know that very well..." He mumbles his answer quietly, but with my enhanced dragon hearing, it sound like the normal loudness of a prson not shouting. What does he mean by that?

"Now, do you want to go down and get to know your fellow guildmates??" He asks, as I beam happily.

"Mmhm!" I answer enthusiastically.

"Very well." Master answers.

"Thanks!" I say as I make my way down the staircase leading to the guild hall. I hope I make some friends here.. Hmm, maybe I should apologize to Team Natsu for hurting them TOO much in the battle. Yup! I should do that! I think as I go over to what I suspect to be Team Natsu's table.

Erza's P.O.V

After discussing our strategy to ask Reino what she and master were talking about, we saw her coming down the stairs and heading to our table. Yes!! We might be able to ask her!!! I exclaim happily in my mind.

"U-um he-hey..." I hear a girl say to me timidly.

"Huh?" I ask myself. Oh yeah, Reino came to our table! I think in realization. We all looked at her as she started talking.

"U-um, sorry for earlier." She apologizes, looking down at the wooden floor.

"In the... You know, fight," She continues,

"I didn't mean to cause you guys that much harm! I swear!!" She bows down continuously.

"Hey, it's fine! We've got worse beatings than that!" We all answer.

"Really?!" She exclaims, looking at us as if we'd all grown two heads.

3rd Person P.O.V

As the little demon slayer apologized for her actions, someone was watching her as if she was a person not to be trusted.

"Yup! I mean, we fought demons, dragons, monsters, Zeref and more!!!" The pink haired dragon slayer replied.

"Natsu, you're gonna scare her or worse!!" The blonde celestial mage exclaimed.

"Lushe's right Natsu..." "You are gonna scare her." Happy said.

"But I'm not that scary!" Natsu argued with his blue feline partner

"U-um, please don't fight everyone..." Though little Reino tried to stop their little areguments, nobody could stop Team Natsu from a giant argument.

Hello everyone!!! Thanks for reading another chapter of The Demon Child of Fairy Tail!!! I hope all of you guys liked it! Once again, I will be editing all chapters of this book cause cringe levels are high. Don't forget to read, comment, like and vote!! Thanks. Author-san out!!! PEACE!!!!!

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