Chapter 8: Secrets For The Best (Part 1) (Edited)

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A/N: The picture in the media is what Reino's 'Angel Form' looks like. BTW, the video is really soothing! Great for giving me motivation to edit this!

Reino's P.O.V

"Um Wendy, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked her. I mean come on! She might know why Charle is acting this way! "Yeah, sure!" She answered back with a smile. Ok Reino, ask her! "Well, I was hoping that Charle already told you what was bothering her..." I said, hoping to find an answer.

"B-but if she didn't tell you yet, I understand.." I added, putting in the possibility. "Well, when she's alone in her room, she keeps mumbling to herself about 'the destruction of Earth.' And 'everyone will be dead after two years." She explained, looking up, thinking.

"Wow! Does she have the ability to see the future like me??" I asked. Well, those were the same visions I had. "U-um, yes. Yes she does." She said. Well, if Charle has that ability like me --to see the future-- then she's correct. "Well, she has the correct visions then." I spoke.

"I see the same visions as her, but I don't know the identity of the person." I said disappointedly.

"Well, if it's that hard, it's gonna be a long mystery for you to solve, Reino.." Knew she would say that! "So anyway, I'll just try to find out any other mysteries in my life.." Hmmmm...what mysteries though?

"Like, if I have missing relatives, or if Musume-chan really did die." I thought out loud. "Wait! Before you go off doing any of those things, who is Musume-chan??" Wendy called.


"Oh! Sorry Wendy! Can't tell you that!" Cause if she finds out that my friend was a demon, I'll be in hella trouble. "Okay! Well good luck in trying to find any lost relatives." She said, walking away. "Thanks, Wendy! I will!" Now off to find my lost relatives! Oh wait!

What if I can't find a trace of them, but they're still alive?! What'll I do??! "Um, Mira. Do you know how to track lost family members when people don't know where they are??" I asked. It might be hard without any leads whatsoever. "Yeah! Just go down there to the library, and look for the book (hey, that ryhmed) with the title 'Family Documents'." She said. "Oh, okay! Thanks Mira!" I thanked her before running off to the library.

"Your welcome!" Mira said.


3rd Person P.O.V

After the search of lost relatives, Reino felt quite tired. She decided to go to the library. "Man, why does there have to be so much books?!" The blue haired demon slayer shouted. So she decided to use her 'Angel Form' (In the media) to find the book she was looking for.


"Found it!" She exclaimed. When she was looking through the families, she stumbled across somthing in the section of the Dragneel family... "Why would they keep this from me?" Reino asked herself. What do you think she saw in the Dragneel family?

Woah! Cliffhanger!! What did Reino mean when she said that? Anyway, thank you all for your support. Once again, I will be editing all chapters of this book cause cringe levels are high. Anyway, don't forget to read, comment, like and vote! Author-san out! PEACE!!!!

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