Chap 1 - Who Studies?

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A brown paper bag plummets into my arms. I nearly lose balance on my board in the attempt to catch my lunch. Spam sandwich. Not toasted.

My skateboard creaks a little, an indication of how old it really was. It was my brother's, and at its fine age of about nine years, I'd fully understand if it decided it's had enough of me.

When you skateboard to school you look, ghetto, I guess? At least that's how you look here. Most people at school pay the reasonable $30.00 parking fee each semester. Not including the car.

The only class I look forward to is third period with Keith, who sees beyond that. A low standard, but who am I to set them any higher?

Originally, I was seated with a girl named Tua. She was nice, but I didn't really like her. Maybe I'm just a hater, but when the person next to you asks the teacher a question (every time the teacher just said the answer to it), do you perceive them as diligent or stupid?

Ms.Till decided she had had enough of the chatter in class and moved some people around. I moved a seat up. It actually sucked though, because I didn't like sitting in the front of the class. Definitely not because I had a tendency to nap when I got bored.

I could still hear the girl behind me.

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3rd period, Chemistry

"Ready for the quiz?"

"Quiz?" I questioned back. "What quiz?"

"The quiz on the heredity chapter," Keith replied.

"I. Completely. Forgot," I replied, my hand instinctively palming my forehead.

Keith reached for my hand and lowered it back to the table. "You gotta stop doing that."

I took a glance towards him and noticed the notebook page he was on. He got some studying done, while I did not.

"Ju- shut up," I replied with embarrassment. "I can't believe you're more prepared for a quiz than I am."

"You underestimate me. Watch me ace this quiz."

A few minutes go by before Ms. Till begins passing out quiz papers. To my luck, the quiz is multiple choice.

The sound of the bell causes everyone to drop their pencils. We pass up our quizzes and Ms. Till gets started on them right away. I'm never really in a rush to get to somewhere, so I take my time packing my things as the rest of the class flurries out.

Keith is one of the last to leave, but is stopped as Ms. Till notices him departing.

"Oh- actually Keith, can we discuss something first?" she asks him.

"Am I in trouble?" Keith replies, worry all over his face.

"No no not at all. It's just that I want to talk about your quiz grades lately. You were steady on high B's but they're dropping to C's lately. They're fluctuating."

"But aren't those grades okay? I mean, I'm passing right?" he asked concerned.

"Right. My concern is that your luck might run low in getting anything above a 70% by the end of the quarter. You'd be managing a failing grade by then. I'm trying to catch you early before it worsens."

"I can comprehend the work just not some stuff that's all," he said assuring her. "I even take time out to study more." The look of discomfort on his face was enough to tell me I shouldn't be overhearing this.

I made a power walk towards the exit. I could literally feel the wind rushing past me because I was in such a rush.

"Jenning!" Ms. Till exclaims, and at that point I knew we were doomed.

"Yes Ms. Till?" I politely replied.

"You and Keith seem to get along well. Keith and I were just discussing some improvement and consistency to his grades. Instead of him coming here to have me help him out, I think it'd be best if he got help from someone he's more comfortable with."

I let out a nervous chuckle. "I think Keith is far better off without my help. I mean, he even studied for today's quiz and I didn't."

Her eyes widen. "Really?" she asks. Keith and I nod in unison. Just then, Ms. Till pulls a quiz paper from the pile on her desk. She shows it to us, a clear 100% in red ink at the top of the paper. In the corner, my name, in my handwriting, and dated for today.

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