Chap 2 - Lay Me to Rest

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I didn't bother to turn around. I knew Keith was behind me, but I was too flushed to even look at him. More time with Keith about assignments? No thank you. I was perfectly fine with being lab partners.

"Hey Jenning wait up!" he yelled from down the hall.

Being the sucker I am, I stopped and turned around. Seeing that Keith had run about forty feet from the classroom to here and still not out of breath surprised me.

"You're fast," he jokes as he approaches me. While I usually laugh at his small jabs, I couldn't help but be upset on the inside. Something about getting friendly with my desk mates has always rubbed me the wrong way.

"I'm just in a bit of a rush. Gotta head somewhere," I simply reply.

"Oh? Usually you're always last out of the classroom."

I nod back. I don't know if that was obvious or something he just picked up on, but now I feel the incredible need to start leaving class when everyone else does

He gives a small nod back. "I'll keep it short then. You don't have to help me if you don't want to, but Ms. Till was kinda right. I'm sure you heard the whole thing. Studying on my own isn't cutting it. I'm thinking lunchtime tomorrow we can test trial? And if you're not up for it then I'll ask someone else."

"Really? I thought you'd want to study at midnight, but I guess lunch works too," I sarcastically reply back.

"Did I say lunch? I meant every day at five in the morning. At church," he replied with an equal amount of sarcasm.

"Oh, but the church would probably kick us out from all of your swearing," I add.

"Or maybe they'd kick us out because you like to listen to the devil's music. I think they consider that a sin."

I laugh at that one, giving into the contagiousness of Keith's energy. I fold, and think to myself, 'maybe time together wouldn't be so bad.'

I leave soon after and skate down the courtyard. Most people hang out in the cafeteria, so the courtyard is, for the most part, nearly always empty. I'm pretty sure people are also smoking weed out here, but that's none of my business.

The ride to the furthest bench is always smooth, but then it got bumpy. Then I fell face flat, the feeling of my nose crushing like the sound of glow sticks being cracked.

"Agh, sorry!" I hear a familiar voice say.

"No it's okay I'm fine actually, thank you," I inform them. I can take a hit, but I can't take being embarrassed. Maybe I'll die right here.

I turn my head, my eyes focused on the bench where I would've hit my head. I could've been dead. It stood just a few inches away. Luckily, my face slammed into the grass, while my thighs down to my feet hit the pavement.

A hand extends out to me. I look up to see Terry, the guy I swapped seats with in class. I'm still deciding if it's a good or a bad thing that I know him.

"I'll take you to the nurse," he states. I bring my left hand up to my nose and that's when I finally notice the blood, even though there were already traces of it on the ground.

"It's not that bad," I tell him. He's unconvinced, though the convincing is more for myself than for him.

"Yeah, I don't think so. Come with me to the nurse or have some teacher on their smoke break find you like this instead."

I let out a defeated sigh. "Fine. Let me grab my skateboard."

I reach for my board, but Terry quickly snatches it away. "You're stupid," he says to me.

"Whoa that's personal territory right there," I snap. He smiles back at me. "Don't worry," he assures.

Terry slings my free arm around his shoulders. "Just let me help you."

We enter the school when suddenly he stops walking. "Where's the nurse's office?" he asks.

I turn to him stunned. "How do you not know where the nurse's office is?

"Never mind, I think that's it down there."

I consider my chance of survival even less as he walks us down to what he assumes to be the nurse's office. I've always thought of him to be very intelligent, but now I'm certain he's no smarter than a toddler.

Nurse Mandy was playing a game of Sudoku when we walked in. She glanced up, looked at me, and immediately stood up from her desk. She looked extremely concerned as she sat me down on one of the beds.

"I'll just take some of these," Terry says as he awkwardly grabs a couple of napkins. "Your blood is trailing outside. I'll be right back."

After getting cleaned up, we stood in the main hallway as it was empty since it was still lunchtime. I held onto my skateboard and bid Terry goodbye before he stopped me.

"No no nurse Mandy said you cannot skateboard, you sprained your foot," Terry says to me, easily taking the board from my hands.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"I mean no skateboard until your foot heals. I will keep it with me and give it to you until then," he says while keeping it out of my reach.

Every counter argument to his plan backfired in my head. In every reasoning, it would still result in me not resting. His best bet was just to keep it from me.

The perfect reason suddenly comes to mind. "But I need it to get to school."

Terry stares for a moment. "Oh," he replies as he trails off. "Then why don't I pick you up instead?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

So yah, this is the second chapter! *applauds enthusiastically*

No one? Oh whale.

And I guess I'm out? Votes, comments, suggestions, follows, messages, I accept all of the above.

Okay now bye bye!!

-Kendall <3

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