Chap 3 - Coincidences

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I'm insecure. Not in a I hate my nose I hate how I dress kind of way, but more like do not perceive me, I will shrivel way.

Terry drives what I would describe as a mom car. It's a dark gray SUV. It has plushies on the dashboard, one being a reversible octopus and the other being a generic teddy bear. When I get in the passenger seat, he greets me with a small smile.

I settle in my seat, buckle my belt, and wait for the drive to school. The car doesn't move. The silence concerns me. Maybe I'll jump out of the car.

"I owe you a huge apology, and more than car rides to school."

"You really don't," I reply, but his smile is apologetic. I don't know how to respond.


What do you teach to someone who is learning the same things as you?

I move to the next aisle and grab a book, but someone on the other side also tugs on the book. We fight for it, quietly grumbling as the book slides back and forth between sides. I finally let go, hearing the person on the other side stumble.

I looked into the gap only to find Keith. He waves me, signaling to the area of bean bag chairs down the aisles. Bean bag chairs and little tables were always down each aisle, and he picked the furthest one.

I thought that an hour wasn't a big deal, but time was moving slow. Too slow.

"Can we take a break?" I ask, shutting a textbook close. Keith scoffs.

"I asked that about five minutes ago!" he complains in a hushed voice.

"I didn't expect to break so early, I wanted to see how long I would last," I say as I rest my chin in my palms, closing my eyes. I was sure I wasn't sick, but my brain was tired.

"Are you okay?" Keith asks. I suddenly feel a warm hand above my forehead. I open my eyes to see Keith leaning over, attempting to check my temperature.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thank you for asking," I reply with a smile. "I think I'm just a bit overwhelmed."

"Want to go get some lunch?" Keith asks as he packs his things.

"Um, sure," I reply.

Did I really say that? No, I must've said no. Maybe I do have a fever.

Things are a lot more fun when you do them with friends, right?

We enter the cafeteria. I reluctantly take a seat, next to Keith, and across from Terry.

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