Chap 9 - Rumor Has It

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They say the movies aren't like real life. There are no mean girls walking around in heels, or big speeches in the middle of prom.

At least, to some extent. There are still mean girls walking around, but in scrubs rather than heels. And there are words tossed around, but in halls than in big crowds.

Terry doesn't ask any questions, both dropping me home and then picking me up the next day. He didn't need to. The video was circulating all over social media by the end of lunch.

1st period was nothing, as most people in that class were beyond high school drama, what more my business. 2nd period, however, was challenging.

I walked into my literature class and was met with a slow silence. I immediately knew it was because of me. Lots of nursing students were in this class, Jenna not included.

Mark and Evan greet me with smiles as I approach my desk, but the murmurs play in the background. Right now I just want to disappear.

"So," Evan begins, "we saw the video."

Mark nods, "And we wanted to let you know that we support women's wrongs."

I stifle a laugh. So little said, but I feel ten times better than I did when I first walked in.

Class goes by faster than I thought it did. Mark and Evan offer to walk me to my next class, but a voice calls me from behind.

"Jenning," she says, "can we talk?"

I motion for Mark and Evan to go ahead. Reluctant at first, they leave me be. I turn my attention back to Claire, who's standing there like she's ready to confess her love for me. Which I'm sure is what she's about to do.

"How are you?" she asks. It catches me off guard. She's always been gentle and sweet. While everyone else from nursing was giving me looks and whispering, she stayed quiet. That doesn't change the fact that she's Jenna's best friend though. I don't know who she is behind closed doors.

"Okay," I reply. "I could be better."

"She shouldn't have said what she said," Claire says to me. She pauses for a bit then continues. "I know you're not big on social media, but there's a video. I watched it. I think you went too far."

I sink into myself at her words. I can get coffee spilled all over me and be called a whore in front of the whole school, but I can't get even. I hated it, but I knew she was right. I knew it in the moment and I know it now.

"I know," I admit, though I hate that I'm saying it to her rather than Jenna herself. "That doesn't change anything though."

"She's not going to report it. I didn't even need to talk her out of it. I just wanted to be honest with you, for Jenna. We both know she wouldn't talk to you herself."

"And you're supposed to be her savior?" I retort. I didn't mean to come off as snarky, but that's how it comes off. Claire laughs it off.

"She's my best friend. Stupid, I know. I don't need to speak for her. I know nothing about your history, but I know her now." Her irony makes me let out a little laugh. Ironic how she knows her now, but knows nothing about that altercation.

She ends the conversation there. I brace myself for chemistry. There aren't any nursing students in our class (aside from Terry), but it is a class full of juniors. And Keith.

Dragging Keith into my drama was the worst part of it all. Pouring his water all over Jenna solidified his spot in it.

Yesterday he reassured me that everything would be okay, but he didn't show for class. When I texted him he didn't reply.

Terry had no clue either. We were both pretty quiet during lunch. The drive home was the same.

A black sedan was parked in our driveway. My luck seems to run really, really short these days. Terry notices my longing stare and parks the car.

"I'll walk you in."

"That's not necessary."

"It's your dad, isn't it?"

I do a double take. Terry sighs, removing the key from the ignition. "I saw the video. I drive you to and from school every day. It's not hard to piece together whose car that could possibly be."

"Last he was here was the beginning of summer," I explain. "Awful timing he's got."

"Are they divorced?"

I nod as I step out of the car. "As of recently. They were separated for a year or two before it became official."

We enter my house and there he sat. Tall, dark brown hair, business suit. His cup of coffee fresh off the pot, sitting on our coffee table. Kenzie looks over at us from the kitchen and gives a forced smile.

"Hey kiddos, welcome home. Sorry, it's nearing the time where I pick up Austin from his friend's place. Do you two mind picking him up?" Kenzie asks. Austin doesn't get picked up 'til much later. He knew I didn't want to see dad just yet.

"Whoah what's the rush?" dad says as he rises from the couch. He walks over and embraces me in a hug, which I lazily reciprocate. "Can't I talk to my daughter before she heads out?"

"You can do all your talking when she gets back," Kenzie says. Dad lets me go, then notices Terry standing behind me.

"Boyfriend? And you didn't introduce me?"

"Just a friend. I'm Terence, it's nice to meet you," Terry greets. Dad laughs and shakes his hand. "Just a friend? What a shame. My daughter is gorgeous."

"No doubt about it," Terry replies. I shoot him a weird look but he just smiles back. "Let's go pick up your brother." We quickly make our way back to his car.

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