jamie garner

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Name: Jamie Garner

Age: 11

Birthday: March 17th, 1983

Family: Dad; Slywen; Mom; Jessie Garner; Older Sister; Chloe Slywen;

Street address: 192, W. Jermond drive

•black hair that has bangs that go to left side of face
•one dark green eye(Dad) and one brown(Mom)
(green covered by hair)
•smaller than normal boys his age like 4"7
(Not for long he will grow)

Likes: to use muggle inventions not as much wizard ones, elton john , Disney and listening to music on his portable CD player. (he is a simpleton)

Jamie has two faces. The front is normal, kinda shy, and observant. however on the inside is a Disney fanboy who is childish and grumpy most of the time. And when he goes to hogwarts you can see a lot more of the inside come out of him since he feels safe and mentally stable.

Jamie, born 1983, was immediately moved to the emergency care. His mother had a weak body, but didn't blame jamie or really want to touch him, because he was a wizard. While she was in the hospital slowly losing her already fading mind she would say "my boy is a wizard you know, just like his father."

And.......well let's just say that being compared to his father isn't exactly a good thing. His father was known as a killer, a murderer, and a psychopath. His father did terrible things. During Jamie's birth he was in prison.

He was a death eater for "he who must not be named", known as Slywen. His sister Chloe goes by the Slywen surname but he took his mothers, Garner.

He has had to live with his older sister Chloe who is a bitch. She also has a different mom her mom was a wizard so she is a pure blood. She orders him around like a slave and treats him like dirt. He got out when he was sent a letter saying he was accepted into Hogwarts. So basically everyone knows jamie as "the son of the murderer and the mental." And as you can guess malfoy bullies him with that which leads to worse things.

So what do you think of Jamie Garner??

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