That Girl With Pigtails

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(Picture on the side is Roni)

Jack's Point of View

Alex and I walked into the pet store. Baz and Peyton needed food. Also I wanted to look at collars for my cat Red.
"Lex you get the food I need to get a collar for Red." I tell the brunette.
"M’kay Jay." Alex giggles and skips over to the dog food isle. That's the happiest I've seen him in a long time.
"Damn he's so weird." I mumble as I walk over to the cat collars.

I had been looking for about 30 seconds when I heard a female voice squeal.

"Holy mother fucking shit balls you're Jack Bassum Barakat!" She squeals. I turn around.

The girl looked about 20. She was a bit short compared to me. Her hair was long and pulled up in high pigtails. I'm assuming this girl's natural hair color is a like caramel bronze color. She had it bleached to a pale blonde with most of it dyed to a greenish blue color.

"Yeah that's me." I tell her, smiling crookedly.
"Dude, holy shit Skye!" The girl nearly shrieks. 
"Yeah Barakitty?" I hear another girl call.
"I found Jack! You owe me $50 bucks!" The girl with pigtails tells 'Skye' with a smirk showing off cute little dimples in her cheeks.
"Say what?!?! Roni that's so not funny!" Skye squeaks.
"Jack stay." 'Roni' growls softly and skips off towards Skye.
"Mkay. LEX!" I scream.
"Yes Jack?" Alex asks right beside me.
"I was told by a girl with greenish blue pigtails to stay here. I assume she's a fan." I tell my best friend.
"Ooo I love meeting fans!" He squeals and hops on my back.

Roni comes skipping back with a girl a bit taller than her. She had long blonde hair with red tips, snakebites, and a beanie on her head. I assume that's Skye. Her greenish hazel eyes widen whe she sees us.

"Holy shit its Jack and Alex. You weren't kidding! Well fuck me. Here." Skye says and pulls out $100, handing it over to Roni.
"Fuck yeah buddy!" Roni squeals and then looks at me with Alex on my back. Her eyes, that look like a grey color, widen and she bites her lip- as if she's trying to figure out if she should do something or not.
"Alex, I suggest highly that you move before Roni tackles Jack screeching like a damn banshee." Skye warns.
"What so you can tackle Alex and take him home? Skye I'm perfectly sane." Roni retorts, punching Skye playfully.
Alex giggles and jumps down in front of Skye.
"Hi I'm Alex Gaskarth, lead singer of All Time Low." He tells her and pulls out a Sharpie.
"Holy fucking Barakittens." She says.
"Don't Panic Skye." Roni mumbles reaching into the blonde's back skinny jean pocket and pulls out an iPod. She hands the iPod to Alex. 
Skye's iPod case said: 'Future Mrs. Alexander Gaskarth' on it in black on a white case. 
"Well nice case." Alex giggles and scribbles his signature and a ♥ next to it. He hands Roni back the iPod. She puts it in Skye's pocket again.
"I assume you're Roni?" He asks, making Skye's jaw drop. Roni shuts it for her.
"Yeah, I call her Barakitty though." Skye finally says.
"Then she'll want Jack's autograph. Jack?" Alex calls looking at me expectantly. I take his Sharpie.
"I'm Jack Barakat, lead guitarist and background vocals of All Time Low." I tell her.
"Here." Skye says and reaches into Roni's shirt, pulling out an iPod, handing it to me.
Roni's case said: 'Jack Barakat is mine bitch. ~Barakitty<3' a red case with black writing on it. I smile as I read it.
"She made her own case." Skye says.
I scribble a 'Love Jack Barakat ♥' on it and handed it back to her.

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