Chapter 3: Dear Maria, Count Me In

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(Picture on the side is Stella)

Chapter 3: Dear Maria, Count Me In
Jack's Point of View

When the lights go up
I want to watch the way you take the stage by storm
The way you wrap those boys around your finger
Go on and play the leader
Cause you know it's what you're good at;
The low road for the fast track
Make every second last

Caution: inappropriate Contact with a Slutty Stripper *wrinkles nose* ewwwww!
Alex tugged me through the door of the strip club, I was completely drunk outta my mind.

I needed to get her out of my head.

Her new dark blue hair that was the perfect balance of dark and light blue. How it was teased and straightened perfectly to her fluffy scene hairstyle.

Her green-blue eyes that look gray from a distance. How she had thick eyeliner and mascara on, going with the Taylor Momsen look.

Her adorable blush. The way the bright scarlet flushed her pale white cheeks.

Her smile. How it showed off those cute ass dimples.

The tight jeans she wore last night, showing off her sexy little figure.

The pink crop top that was cut right above her belly button.

And her piercings!

Let's not forget the beautiful butterfly tattoo on her left shoulder.

The fact she loves cats.

I saw her room; she paints. I assume the painting on her easel was a very meaningful one. Her walls were the dark crimson color of blood and her fluffy carpet was white. A red and black themed canopy bed sat in the middle of the large room. Laying on the red and black comforter was a large wolf plushy and ragged square, white blanket with what looks to be the stain of dark, dark almost red, pink nail polish and a large hole in the center of it. Her walls had black paint decorating them, designed no doubt by her. The left wall from the bed said Roni in beautiful swooping cursive, the 'I' dotted with an X. On the right wall she had various band posters, a huge one of All Time Low dominating the center. The wall in front of the bed had quotes on it. 

"Beauty Isn't Judged By The Size Of Your Jeans."~ Jack Barakat. <3

"Wrists are for bracelets, not cutting." ~Kellin Quinn

"Wake Up Every Morning And Tell Yourself You're A Badass Bitch From Hell And That Nobody Can Fuck With You. Then Don't Let Anybody Fuck With You." ~Anonymous

"You're Weird, I Like You." ~Kim Possible

"Anorexia is like that bitch that would push you off the swings at the playground, if you let her see your weaknesses she won't ever fuck off. Be strong." ~Me

There was bookshelf with knick-knacks and books on it. Next to her bed was a vanity with a piercing gun and an old school camera sitting on the desk next to it. In the corner of her room next to the bookshelf was a gigantic black beanbag. A shelf was above it with cans of red and black spray paint sat on it. All of the Twilight Saga books laid worn and open around it on the floor.

There was a photograph of three girls, and three boys hanging up on the wall with the door, aka the left wall.

I remember the youngest girl clearly laughing, definitely a fourteen year old Roni. She had on black skinnies and a band tee, green glasses and her hair was a caramel color that flowed almost down to her waist, twisting into delicate swirls. She was smiling brightly as she was held up by a shorter and thin blonde girl, in a black and gold cheerleader's uniform with glasses, kind of koala style, legs and arms wrapped around the cheerleader's torso.

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