Chapter 11: Therapy

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(Picture on the side is Dylan, and also I realize that Roni and Jack sleep alot; don't question it, I looooove sleep. \(^_^)/ Peaceskies! ENJOY THE CHAPTER! )

Chapter 11: Therapy
Roni's Point of View

Give me therapy
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling on everything
Therapy you were never a friend to me and you can keep all your misery


"Roni." My therapist says softly.
"What?" I snap, not taking my eyes off the white wall.
"Tell me about your week." She orders.
"I went to the ER for cutting. My boyfriend no doubt thinks I'm a monster. Um my band and I worked on our first album. And oh yeah I hate you." I answer in a monotone voice.
"Let's take this one step at a time. Which would you like to talk about first?" The bitch I call my therapist asks.
"How about you go fuck yourself." I offer.
"Music it is. Tell me about your band." She demands.
"Ugh. Skye is our singer. Nixon is the bassist. Dylan is our drummer. I'm the guitarist." I answer, this is like the twelve millionth time I have told her this information.
"What is it called?" Bitch presses.
"Remember This War." I say naturally.
"Why is it called that?" She questions, this question was new. Therapist has never asked me this question before.

"Because I'm fighting a battle against myself. My scars remind me that the past is real, and I remember every single reason that I fought. Every single thing I had fought for. I want to remember this war so that I know how strong I am." I hear myself explaining it to her.

Silence. I could hear her writing down what I had just said. She's the only person I had ever told this to, so now I'm assuming that she feels special.

"I assume that your band recently got signed... Want to talk about that?" Bitch questions.
"Sure, what's your name again? I refer to you as Therapist or Bitch in my thoughts but it'd be easier to know your name..." I say awkwardly.

"Caitlyn Sanders. Who is your record label?" My therapist wonders.

"We're signed by Hopeless Record Company. Same label as my boyfriend's band All Time Low. We just started recording our first album, My Demons, yesterday actually." I answer with a proud smile.

"Well that's great! How you written any songs since our last session?" Caitlyn asks with an answering proud smile

"Actually yeah! I brought my song book with! I would love it if somebody that's not biased would look at my new songs." I explain excitedly.

"Of course sweetheart!" She exclaims in a motherly tone.

"Well the first song I wrote was after I came back from Iowa, it's called Roots." I say, getting out my song book and opening it to the right song.

Lush green fields
Full of corn stalks
I used to run and play
Away my summer days
Thick forests of trees with pretty leaves
Swaying in the wind
I used to climb them
To smoke a joint or two

My childhood wasn't perfect
Nor was it normal
Oh how I fucking hated
That old, small house
I remember saying
How I was getting away
That I would go far from there
So that I could be somebody

That old town taught me something
I could never have learned out there
I learned if you don't have roots
You have nothing
My roots are here in Iowa
They are scarred
But they are alive
I am nothing without them

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