Chapter 13: Remembering Sunday

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Chapter 13: Remembering Sunday

Jack's Point of View

 And even though she doesn't believe in love

He's determined to call her bluff

Who could deny these butterflies?

They're filling his gut 


Roni was on stage, tuning her guitar. Skye was laying on the floor, legs folded underneath her. Nixon sat tuning her bass. And Dylan was just randomly hitting her drums with her sticks. I smile, as Roni walks over to a microphone. She smiles at the crowd before opening her mouth and speaking.

"Hey ladies and gentlemen! Whores and sluts! Waddup?" She giggles into the mic.

"Remember This War!" The crowd yells making her smile widen.

"If you guys want us to play you know the drill! Bras or no music!" Roni shouts. 

As if on cue the crowd throws bras onto the stage. Damn, that's almost more bras than we get! Roni smiles and waves at me.

"Oh my God hey Jack!" She squeals, hopping up and down with the cutest smile.

"HEY BABY DOLL!" I yell up at her.

"This one's for you Barakunt!" Roni exclaims before stepping back and beginning to play her guitar. 

Skye jumps up, and begins to sing. She's got a great voice

"With each breathe I take

I feel myself going under

And I can't fight it anymore

Where's my knight in shining armor?" She asks as Roni starts to spin in a circle, still playing.

"You save me from myself

Over and over again

I don't know why

But you love me." Skye smiles into the microphone, Roni goes 'dun dun dah!' on her guitar (A/N: I have no idea how to play the guitar. I am going to be learning how to play it sometime after my birthday when I get my guitar so yeah I don't know the notes or chords or whatever that you play for that. Gavin, my music writer guy does that shit. I just write the lyrics and stuff.) and giggles softly.

"You call me Baby Doll

And make me feel

I haven't felt in such a long time

This is so surreal." She sings, making me smile.

"Can this be real?

Am I imagining?

How can you love somebody like me?

Why don't you hate me?" Skye demands, Nixon was echoing the last word of the first two lines but then the last two words of the last two lines.

"My One And Only

Standing tall and proud

Commanding his soldiers

To fight off my demons." She belts out, making Alex smile brightly and mumble a 'that's my girl!' 

Nixon and Roni are now back to back, shredding it on their instruments. This lasted for about five seconds before Dylan hit her drums really hard.

"Until death do we part

I'm broken, wanting to feel light as a feather

I will cut back on my "art"

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