Chapter 2: Lost In Stereo

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(Picture on the side is Roni)

Chapter 2: Lost In Stereo

Roni's Point of View

Tattoos and a switchblade attitude,
Snakebite heart with a bubblegum smile,
Sex in stereo, don't turn the radio dial.


My guitar was already tuned and hooked up, my make-up was done, I had just finished blow-drying my hair. I began brushing my hair, newly dyed to Blue Envy by Splat! Down then straightening it. Then I teased it so that it was fluffy.

I put on a lacy black push-up bra and short hot pink boxers.

"SKYE! BRING ME A BAND SHIRT AND SKINNY JEANS!" I yell as I walk out to the kitchen and feed the cats.

"GOTTIT BABE!" She screams back.

Our cats, Josholi, Skyeni and Kellic were busy feeding their faces so I didn't even bother trying to get their attention. Josholi is my cat; I brought him all the way from Iowa. Kellic is Skye's cat and Skyeni is Josholi and Kellic's daughter. Kellic is a girl cat. Yeah they did the dirty! \(>_<)/ WTFH?!

Skye hands me my signature black super skinny ripped jeans and a sleeveless pink crop top that said: PIERCE THE VEIL = MY LIFE in black graffiti font. I put the outfit on. It shows off the red and black butterfly tattoo with the words Don't Kill The Butterfly on my left shoulder. Did I mention my navel piercing? No? Hmmm. Well I have one (A/N I might get my navel pierced for my 16th birthday.) The current charm was a music note, similar to the music note shaped scar under my left thumb that was fading. I did that when I was thirteen to remind me music is always there for me. No matter what.


"I'LL GET THE DOOR!" I shriek and skip over to it.

Opening it, I see all four members of All Time Low plus Matt Flyzik. My jaw drops as I take in the guys standing in front of me.


Jack punches him playfully and mumbles Dibs asshole to Zack under his breath.

"SKYE ATL AND MATT FUCKING FLYZIK ARE AT THE DAMN DOOR!" I shout behind me. I feel my newly dark blue hair being touched and played with.

"You dyed your hair?" Jack whispers his statement coming out as a question.

Oh shit. Here comes the ramble.

"Yeah, I figured that I should re-dye it. The blonde and blue green didn't suit me. People keep saying I look like Katy Perry and then I was all like it's 'Part of Me now'. Then this random hobo chick was all like 'Holy shit you're Demi Lovato!' and I was like nah but 'This Is Me'. Josholi!" I ramble, squealing when the chubby old blonde tabby rubbed up against my leg, begging for my attention. I pick him up and cuddle with him.

"YOU HAVE A CAT?!?!?” Jack squeals and makes a cradle with his arms as if somebody would do to hold a baby.

"We have three..." I trail off and place Josholi in his awaiting arms. Usually Josholi hates strangers, yet he was already purring in Jack's arms as he cuddles him closely.

"ALEX!" Skye shrieks and tackles the short brunette.

"SKYE!" Alex shouts back and hugs her, clearly blushing.

Kellic jumped on Skye and Alex, licking the latter's face.

"KELLIC ALEXIA FUCKING GASKARTH GET OFF OF YOUR FATHER YOUNG MISSY!" Skye screeches and growls as her green eyes narrow at the small brownish gray cat.

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