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Unknown number : Hi, I'm zerkaa, I got your number off jj

Simon : oh hey, I'm Simon although you probs know that

*unknown number saves as Zerkaa *

Zerkaa : sooooo your that "hi again, it's me kid"

Simon : yeah and your that kid who doesn't show their face cuz they are to pussy

Zerkaa: HEY! I don't want pedophiles like you coming to my house and ending up in my bed

Simon: haha, judging by your videos you'll be lucky if ANYONE ends up in your bed ;D

Zerkaa : I have a girlfriend you pancake, so you have one?

Simon: no

zerkaa: one word answer much?

Simon: k

Zerkaa: well this is awkward :/

Simon: gtg edit bye bye new bestie :) 

Zerkaa: bye bye pancake :)

But why? // minizerk ffKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat