Chapter One

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     My eyes snapped open, my heart still beating fast from the dream.

     The gray sky was slowly lightening in the east, turning light blue, as sunrise approached. There was still smoke rising up from the smoldering ashes of the fire I had lit last night. My mare was sleeping, and I should have been as well, but I couldn’t go back to sleep. Every time I had that dream I would wake up in cold sweat and I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep.

     Letting out a heavy sigh, I sat up and looked around. Last night I had been so exhausted I had simply lit a fire, and given the horse some water before going to sleep. Now I could see my surroundings clearly. There were a few trees around me and a some bushes. There was a river nearby, the sound of the water rushing meeting my ear.

     After I had escaped the dungeons of Silverley, it had taken me about three weeks to travel to what we Southerners called the north before I started searching for the outlaws’ army but so far, no luck. Every town I went to in search of information I found nothing, not even rumors. People also avoided me like the plague, but I suspected that had more to do with the fact they had become afraid of strangers since the Queen took the throne rather than with me personally.

     I did find one interesting thing though, about two weeks ago. My very own wanted poster.

     I was wanted alive for a reward of five thousand gold pieces. Personally, I was disappointed; wasn’t I worth more? Then again, if I was worth any more people would wonder why and would ask questions, which I knew was something the Queen didn’t want. Five thousand gold pieces was more than most people would earn in their entire life. The only good thing that could come from this was, if I was extremely lucky, the outlaws might see the poster and come looking for me. I could only hope.

     In the meantime, I would keep my eyes open for them.

     After a quick meal of berries and bread, I started saddling my mare. There was no rush. I had no place to be and only searched the area for clues. Never had I thought it would be so hard to find a few thousand rebels. And yet here they were, proving me wrong and impossible to find. Absentmindedly, I reached for one of my bags, only to find it gone. Strange, I was sure I hadn’t moved it from next to the fire. Looking around I found it peeking out of one of the bushes that surrounded my makeshift camp. Things kept getting stranger and stranger.

     When I pulled at the bag, a hand came with it. My eyes followed the hand, up the arm and eventually rested on the face of a man I had never seen before. He towered over me by at least a foot, casting a shadow over my face. His bald head was covered in tattoos; his dark eyes were cold and hard. His mouth was set in a sneer. A thin, pale scar ran from the corner of his mouth to the top of his right ear, making him look even more frightening than he already was. He was buff as well and the moment his hand locked around my wrist I knew I was in trouble. He was strong!

     A small yelp of surprise made its way out of my mouth before I clamped it shut tightly. No need to let him know he had caught me off guard.

     “Give me her bag, Earl,” another voice said behind me. I did my best to turn around and look behind me, but it was hard because of Earl’s grip on my wrist; it twisted my arm behind my back when I tried to turn too far. He reached past me and handed the other man my bag.

     This man was a little smaller and not buff at all; on the contrary, he was quite skinny. He hadn’t shaved in a few days and his hair was uncombed. He actually looked kind of scruffy, and obviously hadn’t gotten much more sleep than I had. I almost felt sorry for him, just as I did for myself. Almost, but not quite.

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