Chapter Fifty Three

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Tomorrow is my birthday; yay!!  21!! I made it this far. I won't be doing much. Spending the day with a friend at a historical theme park and a BBQ for dinner. Partying isn't my thing. On another note, the next few chapters, including this one, we definitely fun to write for =) I hope you'll enjoy them as well!!


Getting into Silverley wasn't where the problem lay. There were King's men disguised at Queen's men waiting to open the gates for us. It wasn't finding the red soldiers that was hard either. They came to us willingly. The real problem was staying alive.

I watched as another one of the rebels got an arrow in the back of the head before crumbling to the ground. There were archers on the walls, I knew that, but I had thought that by now someone would have taken care of them. So far, hadn't that always been the first thing we had done? Why had no one made that decision yet? Looking at the mess around me, I noticed my archers had stayed close to me for now. I tried calling their names over the noise but none of them heard me. Big shocker there, with the cacophony of sounds filling the night I had trouble even hearing my own thoughts.

Wielding both blades with deadly precision and speed, I made my way to them. I put a hand on Bram's arm, immediately ducking as he turned around with his arrow nocked. When he saw me, he grinned sheepishly. "Get the others," I yelled. He nodded and moved to his brother while I moved to Alex. He had the same reaction as Bram had had but, again, I was prepared for it.

Soon, my four archers were there with me, awaiting my orders. "Tom, Alex, you see that tall house over there with the blue roof?" I asked them, stabbing a red soldiers that was coming our way in the stomach, before pulling my blade back swiftly. Both archers nodded. "Go there, knock on the door, barge in there you have to. Tell them I sent you and get on the roof. What the Queen can do, so can we. Bram, Harper, I want you two to go to the opposite building. I'm not sure if someone still lives there, if so, tell them the same thing as Tom and Alex and get to the roof!" All nodded before they disappeared into the crowd. There I looked around again, seeing if there was someone who could come with me. I noticed Eric and Rowan basically standing back to back and decided that they would do, even though I would have rather have had someone with a sword.

"The both of you, come with me," I ordered as I passed in front of them, turning so that I was heading for the walls.

Silverley was built differently from all other city we had attacked so far. Where Woodfall had been cut into two different sections by bridges, Silverley was made out of three circles, or rather half-circles. The smallest wall in length had been built around the castle and its gardens at eastern side. The second wall was built around the military district, the wall joining part of the wall around the castle. And eventually, the third wall wrapped entirely around the city, leaving only the farms and their lands outside. All the walls were connected so I didn't doubt there would be more soldiers coming. William had considered using the walls to get his men to the castle, but I had told him it wasn't a smart idea. We would easily be trapped from both sides up there by the Queen's men without much room to fight them. On the contrary, for a group of three, it was perfect.

Climbing the stone steps two at a time, I killed the first soldier before I even made it to the top, cutting the back of his knee first and then his throat; from there on he didn't need my help to tumble down the stairs. Rowan quickly caught up, followed by Eric. "Go that way, I'll take this side. I don't want to see either one of you as long as there are still archers up on those walls." Both were about to protest when I turned around and walked over before they could get a word out.

The first archer didn't know what happened to him until he was bleeding out. Reaching around him, I snatched his quiver of his back before he crumpled down to the ground. The second archer however did notice me and tried firing an arrow at me. Very much like I had done at Roseacre, I simply reacted. I hit the arrow out of the air and kept approaching the archer. The idiot didn't know when to quite firing. By the time I reached him and stabbed him in the heart his quiver was already empty. I decided that if I wanted to get some undamaged arrows I would need to be quicker. Or better hidden. Knowing that the second option meant using magic, I decided to go for the first option. Speeding up, but making sure I was quiet, or at least as quiet as I needed to be so that I wasn't heard over the chaos down below, I approached the remaining archers and killed them quickly. With two quivers on my back and three in one hand, I headed back to the stairs where I wanted to Rowan and Eric.

The Rogue LadyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant