Chapter Fifteen

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Again, any mistakes, let me know =) Map in the external link.  And if you have any questions about the Bandits (even though this is only the first chapter with them), feel free to ask me, because I do realize that I might not have explained a lot about them.



     My mare stood on the invisible line that I wasn’t ready to cross quite yet, munching the grass within reach, though my tight grip on the reins kept her from crossing over. I was nervous, and a little apprehensive; I had never been so close to Bandit territory, nor had I ever been in the presence in more than a handful of them. I was not exactly look forward to finding myself surrounded by them, but I didn’t have much choice in the matter. Behind me, the group waited patiently for my next move, although they doubtlessly had no idea why I was just standing there, staring ahead without doing anything. I knew I should cross over the nonexistent line but I felt like if I did do it, it had to be at the right place. It was beyond frustrating; not one place felt like the right one.

     “Svana? What have you been doing for this past half hour? Aren’t we wasting time now?” Darrick complained.

     “It doesn’t feel right to cross onto their lands. And they kill all trespassers,” I mumbled.” Unless they are women, then they just put a claim on them and take them to camp. I don’t want either of those things to happen to me.”

     “I thought that was exactly what we wanted; to go to their camp.”

     “It is. But not if someone is putting a claim on me,” I sighed and finally decided that I couldn’t postpone the inevitable any longer. “Come on.” Before they could ask any questions or make any comments, I let the mare cross the unseen, stopping her a few yard further. Now we had to wait for Bandits to come to us, which they would.

     The plain leading to the Bandits’ hill was dotted with the occasional group of bushes or trees but not enough to hide us, especially where we stood. We were out in the open and it was only a matter of time before the Bandits sent someone to take care of us. Bandits were quick and had a reputation to be good fighters. That was mostly why no one did anything about them being here; the King himself hadn’t tried to get rid of them. As long as they were left alone, they usually wouldn’t cause any trouble. When nothing seems to happen, I left spurred the horse on, letting her walk further into Bandit territory.

     When we were coming closer to the actually cliff, on top of which the camp would be, the distant figures appeared and came down the hill. We had been finally been noticed. I slowed the horse down, eventually halting completely. The others did the same, stopping next to me.

     “Here they come. Just stay on your horse and try not to do anything that might have them mistrust you,” I told them, keeping my eyes on the fast moving group. I flung one leg over the horse’s back and lowered myself to the ground. “And whatever you do, do not say a word.”

     “Why not?” Darrick asked immediately.

     “You wanted me to take care of this, and I will; it is going to be hard enough for me because I’m a girl. If you say anything, they’ll never listen to me again and I will be just another girl who shouldn’t speak while men talk business.”

     “Wow, harsh,” Bram whistled.

     “Tell me about it. But that is how they live,” I shrugged.

     I handed Harper the reins and took a few steps forward, placing myself in front of the others. Together, we watched the group of Bandits come closer at rapid pace. I found myself all but praying to a foreign deity for the Bandit I knew to be amongst the group. He probably wouldn’t be but I could always hope. As they came closer, it was easier to tell that there fifteen Bandits in total, as if they were afraid the seven of us would cause so much trouble they needed the help. But the matter of fact was that no one usually took on a Bandit because one look at them made your courage sink into your shoes; they didn’t look particularly buff or intimidating, though you could tell they knew how to handle their weapons.

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