Chapter Thirty Three

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Okay, so this chapter is having some behind-the-scene problems. I will come back to fix it tomorrow. The internet in my University Residence isn't amazing. Notice how I said 'internet' and not 'wifi'; there is no wifi! Going to see The Interview tonight. Hope enjoy the chapter!!


I couldn’t see anything. Everything was pitch black; it didn’t make any sense. Why was it so dark? Were my eyes even open? Yes, they had to be; I felt myself blinking. Then why didn’t I see anything? And this place smelled all wrong, like we were still in the dungeons. Had the guards caught us and locked us up again? No way, I could still feel the weight of my blades on my hips. Then where was I and why was it do dark?! Where were the others?

Something suddenly lit up the darkness but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from. It was simply there; coming from nowhere and everywhere at once, diffusing only light without creating additional shadows. The light was just enough for me to make out that I was in a tunnel, or maybe a dark corridor. Ahead of me and behind me, there was nothing for me to make out. Making a decision, I started down the corridor, curious to see where it would take me and at the same time, I also hoped to find a way out. My footsteps echoed off the wall, bouncing back to me before dispersing away from me. The corridor stretched out endlessly and soon I found myself running as fast as I could, hoping to find the end of it.

“Svana.” The sound of a familiar strange voice saying my name brought me to a halt. It was only a whisper in my ear but it had me spinning around. There was nothing there to see behind me, there was nothing to see in front of me. “Svana,” it came again. Spinning around once more, I expected, wished, to see something but there was still nothing.

“Who are you?” I found myself yelling into the darkness even though I hadn’t wanted to actually say it out loud.

“You are too late, little girl. Too late, much too late,” the voice came again. “Everything is lost, you are too late. You have already lost.” I kept whirling around, looking down one end of the corridor and then the other, until I finally saw something move in the darkness. The Queen herself stepped out of the shadows, a cruel smile on her thin lips. Her dark eyes were as cold as ever. The shadows seemed to cling to her like a dress, making it seem as though the dark material had actually been made out of shadows. And when she spoke again, her mouth didn’t even move. “You have already lost. You are too late, you can’t save anyone anymore. You couldn’t save your mother, you couldn’t save your father; everyone you care about is lost. Why bother try and fight me; I will win and you will die.”

“Svana,” a second voice called from within the obscurity, one I recognized much more easily despite the fact I hadn’t heard it in a while. That voice had me turning around once more. “Svana, where are you?”

Without sparing another glance to the Queen, I took off running down the corridor. It was as endless as before, the gloom stretching out in front of me was never ending. The Queen’s voice was still behind me, taunting me, and she kept laughing, the sound bouncing off the walls. But I focused on finding the source of the second voice; it was barely audible with the Queen’s voice ringing in my ears but I ran down the corridor, following it. Hoping to find where it was coming from. Eventually I found a door, right in front of me; it had appeared out of nowhere, in the middle of the corridor. It wasn’t set in a wall, I could see the corridor stretching ahead on either side of that door. Nonetheless, I knew that that was where I needed to be.

I ran to it, raising myself onto the tip of my toes and gripped the bars in the window so that I could see beyond it. What I was wasn’t the hallway, instead it was a dark dungeon cell unmistakably. There was a dark silhouette when my eyes got used to the lack of light. Whoever was in there was completely in the dark, though when they lifted their head, two bright green eyes were staring right at me. Right as I wanted to open my mouth to say something the figure in the cell, the cell itself completely vanished, like smoke. Not even the door remained; the bars slipped through my fingers as if they had been turned into liquid water.

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