Chapter Fifty Seven

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One chapter and the epilogue is all that is left of this story. And given I haven't finished book #2 yet, you'll have to wait. But if I could find the time, rework this book a bit and self publish on Amazon, would you want that? If so, paperback, hardback or eBook? Personally I like paperback best because hardback is too expensive and you can't hold an eBook, but it's your choice.



Straightening up, and stepping away from Rowan, I watched as they carried her away. I took a deep breath, my legs shaking slightly from the overuse of energy. Rowan stepped closer to me again, wrapping an arm around my waist to steady me. At first, I took comfort in the gesture, as well as strength, but then I pushed his arm off me.

"I'm fine," I smiled, "I can stand on my own feet long enough to do my job and get inside. I don't want them to see me as weak," I explained.

"They won't see you as weak if you accept help from someone, especially not after seeing you fight like that. But I'll let you do your thing if you promise me to head to your room and rest once you're done," he bargained.

"I promise."

"Good, I will take care of things inside."

He walked off, calling part of the King's men to him. Rebels followed him as well, not questioning it, and William didn't seem to mind. Looking around me, I was surprised to find so many faces turned to me; it was such a sudden change that it took me aback. I was left standing there, uselessly looking ahead. It wasn't until a hand brushed my arm that I snapped out of it.

"Gather around and listen up!" I called out loudly. "Luke," I randomly called out a face in the crowd. "Gather enough men and go after the Queen's men who didn't stick around; I want them captured and brought back to our dungeons alive. If you can't bring them back alive, too bad for them. If you can't catch them before nightfall, just turn around. Word will be sent to the other cities.' Luke, although looking surprise to have been called out, nodded and set to work. I knew why he was surprised; in the ranks of the King's men, it were usually the older soldiers who were in charge and he was barely a few years older than me; I still remembered him training the in the courtyard.

Looking around me, I was a little horrified by all the bodies lying around the courtyard, the blood on the ground. We couldn't leave them here, nor could we all burn them here. Somehow we would need to get them outside of the city walls, to the burning sight. Knowing that it wouldn't be the nicest job to give away, I wasn't sure how to bring it up. Again a hand brushed my arm, and turning to look, Eric gave me a reassuring look. Then he flicked his wrist and the nearest body disappeared. "I'll take care of this."

"Thank you." I looked around once more and sighed. "Go and find as many buckets as you can. The well is over there. I want to wash this place clean of blood; along with the rest of the city. William, can you go and make a round through the city, and through camp. Gather those of your men that aren't here already, and bring them to the castle, we will find a place for them to stay." He nodded, and started calling out names.

Just then, the first ten horses came out of the stables and galloped through the crowd, heading towards the city and eventually the lands beyond. I hoped they could catch them, and if not, that they would be stopped at any other city. If they left the Kingdom we might have a problem. But I didn't want to think about that yet; it could wait until tomorrow.

Grabbing a bucket myself, I proceeded to join the others by the well. Washing the blood out of the courtyard was going to take a while, but I felt like I needed to help. Only, I kept swaying on my feet and spilling water there where it wasn't needed. In the end, Tom took the bucket from me, emptying it where needed and then turned to me.

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