Chapter Forty Six

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Here we go again! I really enjoyed writing the end, I love giving you new characters at the most random moments =) I hope you will enjoy this!


"So, I will not beat about the bush," William sighed after all the battle plans were made, "but I do not see how we can put any of this into action without those two dragons hiding somewhere." He was stating the obvious, saying out loud what the others had all been thinking. Unlike after everything else he had said, all the knights and the magicians, who had come out of hiding for this one meeting, remained silent. None of them knew how to take on a dragon; most had never even seen a dragon before. William looked around the table until his eyes rested on me. He must be curious as to why I was smiling like a crazy person; this was the perfect way for me to get what I wanted.

"Svana, any ideas?"

"You are going to be happy that you kept me around this long," I grinned. Then again, it wasn't like he could have gotten rid of me. "I can rid you of the dragon problem in a few minutes, if I can get what I need." I saw the hope in everyone's eyes after I said those words; it wasn't until then that I realized just how afraid they were of these two dragons. Personally, I didn't see what there was to be afraid of, but maybe it was because these dragons were no strangers to me.

"Can you get what you need here at camp?" Eric asked.

"What do you need?" William asked at the same time.

"Well, all but one thing can be found at camp," I told Eric before turning to William. "What I have in mind would leave me open to an attack or something, and I wouldn't put it past the Queen to attack me right outside the city walls; so an archer or two would be nice, and a swordsman. Then I also need a magician but that won't be a problem," I grinned looking around the tent.

William nodded, "Those we have here; what else do you need?"

"Not a 'what' but a 'who'; this is where it gets tricky. I can take care of one dragon without a problem, but not the second one; however, I know someone who can though." I bit my lip, waiting for William's reaction. He could either give me hope, or smash what little hope I already had.

"I sincerely hope that that person is close and can get here soon," was what I got. He was becoming annoyed again; just when things had been looking up. I knew I needed to handle this quickly before he changed his mind and would find a different solution.

"He is close but he can't get here. See, that's the problem; he's locked in the dungeons of Silverley." I held my breath; William would either let me get him or not. Then I realized that, with or without permission, I was going into those dungeons. Getting the rebel leader to agree was nothing but a formality, and I had never been one for formalities. The determination must have been evident on my face because Eric got that cautious look on his face; he usually got that look whenever he thought I had a seemingly bad idea.

"And you want to go and get this person out?"

"Obviously," I said, almost rolling my eyes. I could almost see the gears in William's head turning as he thought about it, weighing pros and cons. Across from me, Eric looked at me, almost staring. He looked guarded, hiding his emotions from me. I raised an eyebrow in silent question but he looked away. It was strange; not once had I seen him look like that. Maybe I should have told him about what I was planning before we headed into this meeting; it couldn't be nice for him to discover what I was planning at the same time as everyone else.

"How would you get him out?" I was surprised William would ask me that and not even ask who this person was. Maybe he trusted me; although that must have required some effort after what happened at Woodfall.

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