Chapter Forty Seven

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Exam season is almost upon me. But why would you care right? As long as the next chapter is up? Well here it is! Enjoy it!!


Taking the key ring, I stepped over the dead bodies and marched to the cell Philip had pointed out. It was a regular door, though when I wrapped my hands around the bar and hoisted myself up to the tip of my toes to peer inside, it felt particularly heavy against me. Not heavy as if the material sense, but heavy as if it was putting a weight on my chest, making it hard to breathe. I couldn't see inside, it was too dark; I could only barely make out a silhouette against the far wall. Looking at the key ring, I wondered which key to use; if I had to try them all, it would to take a while. And we didn't have that amount of time. Then I noticed a different key, shaped as a falling star. Surely such a special key would go onto the door of a special cell. Putting it in, and turning, I grinned as I heard the lock click.

Pushing it open, Eric came to stand beside me, a torch from a fallen guard in his hand. In the faint light of the fire, I could see who had been chained to the wall. Eric recognized him too. "Jarrick," he breathed out as he stared at the magician. He was going to take a step forward when the magician looked up.

"Don't come in Eric," he said, his eyes staring into those of his apprentice with surprisingly clarity. "It's an anti-magic cell; the Queen designed it especially for me. Believe me, you don't want to feel what it is like inside." He grinned and added, "It is nice to see you though. You too, Svana. Somehow I'm not entirely surprised to see you two here together."

"How about you keep all the jokes for later?" I suggested, stepping into the cell, sucking in a sharp breath as the full weight of the anti-magic spell dropped onto my chest. It felt extremely uncomfortable, and I only had a little magic in my veins; I could only imagine who this must feel for someone like Jarrick. Shaking it off, I walked over to him and said, "Let's get you out of here."

I took out my blades, knowing that it would be quicker than the twisted hair pin; I aligned them with the first chain before drawing them back. Then I caught Jarrick's eye and I paused.

"You didn't come here for me, did you?"

"No, I didn't. I had no idea you would still be in here honestly. But while I'm here, I might as well get you out too," I shrugged. "I suggest you turn your head away." He did just that and, in one fast move, I brought my blades down on the first chain, breaking it easily. I loved that my blades could cut through so much. Then I went to stand on his other side and repeated the process.

Putting the weapons away, I held out a hand and pulled the magician of the Eastern Valleys to his feet. As he walked out of his cell for the first time in a long time, I watched in silence as he hugged Eric, telling him that he was proud that he had gotten so far. It was almost like a father-son moment and I wondered if my parents would have been proud of me after all the killing that I had done. I didn't have to search long for the answer; I knew they would have been. None of the killing had been unnecessary, none of the victims had suffered too long before they died; and above all, killing was in my nature. My family had been very understanding of that.

"My Lady," Jarrick said, cutting through my thoughts. "Thank you for freeing me but I will go my separate way from here."

"What?" Eric exclaimed. "Can't you help us fight against the Queen? I'm sure that..."

"Eric, I have to go home. I have to regenerate, you know how this goes. However," he said, putting his hand on the younger magician's shoulder, "I will be back before you attack the city, and I will help. If not to fight for our Kingdom, then at least because it is what we do; we fight for her family." He looked briefly over to me and smiled.

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