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I never meant to hurt you, you, and you as well!

I guess I am so used to being ignored. Hence, why I will always try my best not to ignore people when they really needed my attention.

I'm also guilty of taking people for granted and not paying much attention to them as well but somehow, somewhere in the middle of balancing up this whole "attention payment" thingy, I got caught up in the web of rejections.

Apparently I attracted some souls into developing their feelings for me!

I hate myself for not being able to return their love in the way they hoped for. Of all the people in the world, I know the feeling of being rejected veeeery well. Unrequited love is basically my hobby... Therefore, I feel soooooooo guilty for not feeling the same.

I get it why the feelings aren't mutual but usually the sad party should be mine, not the other way 'round! I hate it when I had to just pretend like it's nothing when dismissing their signals is as awful as snoozing the alarm bells. It's not right but you just gotta do it and live with the consequences.

I can't force myself into loving you but I don't want to hurt you either.

Why can't things just go back to the part where in the one-sided universe, I'm their leader!

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