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I am not an expert in love but as time flies, being in a relationship is not just about who says 'I love you' first. Yes, both of you know that you love each other but things are getting more serious. You start to see a different side of him/her slowly, you will start revealing your true self one layer at a time and it's absolutely normal.

It is logical to do so because you are going to spend the rest of your life, TO-GE-THER! If your partner can not handle you at your worst then he/she definitely do not deserve you at your best.

I truly believe in give and take. Tolerance and compromise. Yes, you have to make sacrifices here and there but if it is for the betterment of your future together, I do not think that it will be a problem.

Is it too much to ask for? What if you are sure that you really are in love. However, you are just not too keen on the sacrificing part?

IF there are certain things in life that you just do not feel ready to ditch yet, I suggest you re-think the purpose of you having a relationship because no union on Earth exist without a sacrifice. In life, you can never have it all, you have to make choices and the most important thing to remember during choice-making-process is PRIORITY!

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