{meeting for the first time, a short story/monologue}

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Okay, calm down. Nothing to be worried about. It's not like they left you 17 years ago. you can do this. What am I going to say? I should write down some questions... Where's my phone?! Oh, there it is. Okay open notes;

Question one, why did you leave me?

Question two, who's my father?

Three, what is my father like?

Do I have any brothers or sisters?

Did you think about my future?

Why would you get knocked up if you didn't want kids?

Do you have any idea what it's like to find out that you aren't even related by blood to the people who you love the most?

I don't think I can do this. I should just not show up. no. Concentrate. You are doing this.

Have you ever thought about me?

Do you regret what you did?

stop hurting heart! go away pain! GO AWAY!!

I never asked for any of this!! calm down. stop crying. It won't solve anything! Okay. What will she think of me? Will she think I am pretty, funny, smart? I should be nice not too harsh, I mean it was her personal decision.

Mais je ne comprends pas! Pourquoi? Qui est tout ce que je veux savoir!

Guess I should get ready to go now. Should I wear my Vans or my TOMs? Welp, TOMs are more comfy so I'm gonna wear those. Car keys, car keys... There they are! Aghhh je suis trés nerveuse. Calm down stomach.

Here goes nothing.


The thoughts of a son or daughter about to meet the parent who had abandoned him or her.

Just so you guys are aware, there will most likely be a lot of French in what I write. I am French and I love the culture and the language. If you don't understand something, ask and I may be able to explain it to you, or you could ask Google!

May your writing, or reading, be as marvellous as you are!


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