{my first love, a free verse poem}

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You came into my life as unexpectedly as a mid winter's sunrise.

I have never been able to understand why you chose me. Me, with my terrible jokes, annoying laugh and crazy personality.

But, you were always there, always close by; watching, waiting, loving.

I felt things for you for you, I could never understand; love, happiness, freedom.

You loved me at my weakest and adored me at my best.

But I left you.

And that, I will always regret.

Now that you're gone, the feelings come as unexpectedly as you arrived.

I miss you so much that I just want to cry and run back to you. To your watching, waiting, loving eyes.

You strengthened me in ways you never knew; your kind words, pushing me forward. 

And love is too simple a word for you, but there are no other words that could possibly express how I feel.

People might say that I'm too young to know what love is, but that is untrue. We learn what love is from the first breath we take. 

Your father helping you take your first steps, your best friend taking time out of their day to be with you, your sister letting you rant to her about your day, your brother asking you to help him with school work, your mother telling you to drive carefully... that is love. 

Love isn't all passion and romance, it's when the other person's happiness and safety are more important than your own. Love is the small things that help you to be a better, happier, person.

So, I love you.

Forever and always.


Hey, Wattpaders!

So, I'm a day late... What's new? Yesterday I left my house at 7:15 am and didn't get back until about 10:45 pm... You could say I had a long day. But on the plus side, it's a snow day!  Annnnd...

MY SHORT STORY (that isn't published on here) MADE IT THROUGH THE FIRST ROUND OF A CANADA WIDE COMPETITION!! I'm so happy! I received the letter yesterday and opened it after a long and terrible day. I really needed something to boost my spirits! God works in extraordinary ways! 

But on a sadder note, I have one more piece to publish after this, then I will be completing this book. 

But it's all so I can focus on 'Our Love'! Maybe I'll post a teaser at the end of this book... 

May your writing, or reading, be as marvellous as you are!  


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