{wrestling friends, a short story}

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Aliyah steps out of her bathroom feeling refreshed and rushes over to her closet. She has a presence of confidence floating around her so she grabs a black dress and red pumps. Her unexpected confidence is making her bold and she decides to let her hair dry into her natural crazy curls. She grabs her foundation and starts to apply her make up. She then swiftly puts on her dress and smooths out the creases. She puts her pumps on and applies some bright red lipstick before walking herself, and her confidence, out the door. 

She grabs some fruit, milk, yogurt and honey and puts some of each into a blender. She turns it on, runs over to her office and grabs her laptop bag. Aliyah puts all of the papers she'll need for upcoming day at the university in the bag along with her laptop. She rushes back out to the kitchen, bag in tow, and stops the blender. As she pours her smoothie into a to-go cup her husband, Mitch, walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her torso, "Good morning honey," he says.

"Good morning! Now, I'd love to stay and chat but I really have to go!" Aliyah exclaims, taking his hands off of her and sliding her bag onto her shoulder.

"Already? I though you didn't have classes until later in the day?" He questions.

"I thought that I told you? I guess not, today is the big arm wrestling competition. I'm going against David," Aliyah explains.

"Oh, well good luck!" He shouts as she rushes out the door.

Later that day...

"Now entering on the left we have Aliyah Anderson and entering on the right we have David Scatia!" The announcer shouts as the teachers and students shout and clap their hands.

"You're going down Anderson!" David shouts as they walk closer together. Aliyah ignores him and sits down, getting ready to arm wrestle.

"Are you ready? Three... Two... One... GO!!!!"

Aliyah pushes against David's arm with all her might, his arm is close to the table but then, with a sudden burst of energy from David, their arms suddenly snap up and they're back in the starting position. Her arm starts to lean the other way, when all of a sudden she gets a burst of energy and she throws his arm onto the table. Aliyah stands up shouting.

"And we have a winner! Ms. Aliyah Anderson!"

Aliyah holds her hands up high and does a circle, facing everyone in the crowd.

Yes! She thinks to herself, I've won the Arm Wrestling Championship!

"I am proud to announce this years Arm Wrestling Champion, Aliyah Anderson!" The dean of the university shouts as he holds up Aliyah's arm.

After awhile the crowd starts to disperse and Aliyah's best friend and co worker, Sasha, comes up to her.

"Hey Aliyah, could I talk to you for a sec?" Sasha asks.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" Aliyah asks as they step away from the few lingering people.

"You know the stuff I've been telling you about David?" She says and Aliyah nods quickly.

"Yeah, you've said that he's been acting really weird and been getting really close and touchy with you." Aliyah says, confirming Sasha's question.

"Well yesterday he made some sexual comments about what I was wearing and this morning I think he touched my butt..." Sasha trails off awkwardly.

"Oh, well do you want me to go to the dean about it with you?" Aliyah says and puts her hand on Sasha's trying to comfort her.

"Yeah, I was hoping you would." She says smiling weakly.

"Well let's get going. You don't deserve to be treated that way and you certainly shouldn't do this alone." Aliyah replies linking her arm in Sasha's before they head out the door.

"Hopefully my beating him made him realize that he shouldn't mess with us girls!" Aliyah says and they both laugh.


Hey, Wattpaders!

Last update for the day! I had a ton of fun carolling and shopping today. I hope your day was great too!

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