{broken, a short story}

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She had become someone she did not like.

Crouched on the bathroom floor Rose wondered what caused it all. How could she know that it would all lead up to this? Telling Anna off was the best thing she had ever done; she didn't want it to ruin their friendship. And she didn't want to turn into the person she had.

It was just like any other day, the day it all went down: get up, shower, get dressed, eat and then rush off to school. Rose could tell that there was something off about that day but she went along without much concern. But as soon as Rose walked into the cafeteria she knew something bad was going to happen.

Anna had marched up to her and said "how could you!? I trusted you with that secret and you just go and blab it to the whole world!"

Oh, yeah. Rose thinks to herself, looking at her friend sadly, "well if you weren't such a rude friend we wouldn't even be in this stupid situation!" She retorted.

Anna and Rose went back and forth for awhile, even slapping each other at one point, before a teacher got involved. They were sent to the principal's office but they both ended up getting away with it.

By the next day Anna had told most of their small school some of Rose's deepest darkest secrets. Anna laughed along with everyone else as Rose walked down the hallway, with no one to stand by her. Her classmates whispered about her just loud enough so she could hear some of their words.

"Stole from stores all the time."

"Had sex when she was nine."

"Tried to kill herself."

"Smoked weed every chance she could get."

"Look at her, she's so gross."

"She should try to kill herself again."

Rose tried not to cry as she rushed into the bathroom, but her tears came spilling out once she'd in the safety of a stall. To her surprise, no one came after her, so she stayed there until she calmed down enough to walk to class. 

Over the next few weeks Anna continued to torment Rose.

Now, Rose is home alone; she's crouched on the bathroom floor with a bottle of pills and a knife in front of her.

"I can't do this anymore," she whispers before she pops open the pill bottle and downs all its contents.

Grabbing the knife, she slices her wrists, creating deep slashes that cover both of them. A single tear falls down her cheek before she closes her eyes and blacks out, forgetting all her troubles.

Rose wakes up confused and in pain. Her parents rush over; they look like they've been crying.

"What happened?" She asks confused.

"You hurt yourself, the doctor said that you overdosed and this caused memory loss," her mom says, holding her hand lightly.

"Where's Anna? Is she here?" Rose questions, looking around.

"Rose," her dad pauses and looks at her sadly before continuing, "the reason you did this was because of Anna."

The memories of that day come flooding back to her.

And all at once, she stops believing in true friendship.


This is for all of you who have suffered with the loss of a best friend, and have felt the side affects of it. You are not alone.

If you guys ever need anyone to talk to, I will respond to any comments and messages as quick as I can. Just remember that I am human and I need sleep and that I have a life (I know right, you never would have guessed!).

I uploaded today because I didn't upload twice yesterday. I've been so busy because I'm in band, choir, vocal class and women's ensemble at my school and our Christmas concert is next week! I've been planning a ton of stuff and have a lot of practising to do, plus more projects for school because we're nearing the end of the semester. 

Comment, vote, follow!

May your writing, or reading, be as marvellous as you are!


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