{don't worry now, a short story}

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Seven Years Old

"Daddy! Why do you have to leave?" I sob, running up to him, "I don't want you to go!"

I hang on tightly to his arm as I try to crawl up and onto his hospital bed. I scramble onto his chest and he lets out an 'umph' as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I don't wanna say goodbye to the only man that I love," I quietly whisper into his ear, "I don't think I can live without you. Daddy, I know you're breaking in two."

The tears run down his face as he says, "I'm gonna make it, we're gonna make it."

Suddenly, I'm torn away from him and I cry out as my mother tries to soothe me. I look over at my daddy, his eyes look grey, but his smile holds the words he always tells me. Don't you worry now, it's gonna be okay.

When you feel like you are alone, just like your best friend's up and gone, don't worry now, don't worry now. I've been there yeah, I know how it feels to wonder if love is even real. Don't worry now, don't worry now it's gonna be okay.

Thirteen Years Old

Dear Diary,

I've been trying to find a way to understand, but I can't see the picture of God's plan. Why would he let us hurt so bad?

Could anything good come of these feelings that I have? I feel so alone... like nobody cares...


He loved me more than the sand on the beaches, he loved me more than the grass is green. And even though he had to go, I always knew his love was part of me.

I guess I just need to remember his love.

When you feel like you are alone, just like your best friend's up and gone, don't worry now, don't worry now. I've been there yeah, I know how it feels to wonder if love is even real. Don't worry now, don't worry now.

Eighteen Years Old

"It's taken so long to let this go, it's taken so long to feel that you're right here next to me, and I can finally breathe. It's taken so long, but now I know, had to find out on my own when nothing could convince me, God's love convinced me that it's gonna be okay."

I look up from my notepad at the stars in the sky and whisper to myself, "don't you worry now, it's gonna be okay."

Everyone claps and thanks me for saying my testimonial, and I smile. God has strengthened me more than I could ever imagine.

When you feel like you are alone, just like your best friend's up and gone, don't worry now, don't worry now. I've been there yeah, I know how it feels to wonder if love is even real. Don't worry now, don't worry now. Cause it's gonna be... Okay. 


Hey, Wattpaders! 

This is a different type of story... I followed the lyrics of a song to create a story. I also did this with the next story I will be publishing. 

I know some of you might not be into this, but it was fun to write!


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