{the forest, a short story}

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(pretend there is snow)

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(pretend there is snow)

I grab my camera bag, tripod and jacket before rushing out of my room and down the stairs. Once I reach the bottom I run into the kitchen and quickly make myself a steaming cup of tea. Then I run over to the back door and slide into my boots. I quickly step outside and lock the door before heading towards the forest behind my house.

The snow is perfect. It's falling lightly and everything is coated with a layer of heavy snow. I lift my camera bag onto my shoulder and shift my tripod into my right hand. I shuffle through the few inches of snow that has already fallen and take a careful sip of my tea.

As I continue to make my way through the forest I notice the intense quietness surrounding me. I slow to a stop and take in the beauty of nature. This forest has always seemed magical to me; ever since I was a little boy I've felt this presence around the forest, like something greater than everything I've ever known lives in this forest.

I hear the wind rush through the trees and I close my eyes, a wave of peacefulness rushes over me.


I snap my eyes open and my heart starts to speed up. Was that my name?


Yes, that was definitely my name. But what could have said it? I'm alone out here, right?


It's getting louder, the wind whips around me and my heart is pounding in my chest. I start to turn in a circle. Where is this voice coming from?

Suddenly, the wind turns into a howl and picks up even more speed.


The voice yells at me in a worried tone. As if my brain finally connects with what is going on, I break into a full-on sprint, running further into the forest.

After what feels like ages, I finally come to a stop. I lean against a tree as I take deep breaths and slowly scan the surrounding area. The wind has died down and the forest has come alive again with the sounds of birds chirping and squirrels scurrying around. I look down at my hands and realize that I dropped my tea and tripod, but my cameras are still safe inside their bag. I take out my video camera, turn it on and press record. I hold it up as I carefully step away from the tree and walk further into the forest.

After a few minutes of walking, I have a lot of awesome footage, but nothing has happened. Maybe I just imagined it all? But it was so real.

I walk around aimlessly, not even concerned about the fact that I'm lost until I stumble upon a giant tree. The tree has to be triple the size of the rest of the trees in the forest. It has what seems to be a door carved into it and a sign that says 'All Welcome' hanging above it.

I zoom in with my camera and see that there are footprints around the door. But none of them are human footprints.

I go to take a step forward but freeze when I hear my name being called.


My heart is in my throat as I open my mouth to speak, "who's there? What do you want?"


I spin around and zoom into certain spots with my camera, hoping to find something.

"What do you want!?" I shout as I come back in a full circle to face the tree.

Go inside.

It wants me to what? Go in! What is this- a horror movie? That's how people end up dead!

Go inside.

I take a careful step towards the tree. Am I really doing this? What if I disobey?

Go inside.

I reach the door and put my hand on the handle. I slowly turn the knob and push the door open. I stand there, staring into the darkness.

Come inside.

And all of a sudden, I'm pulled into the darkness.


Hey, Wattpaders!

This story isn't based on the picture, I just thought that it would help with visualizing. 

I hope you all enjoyed this spookyish short story! It just kinda popped into my head so I was like 'sure!'.

Comment, vote, follow! (Seriously though, I'd love to have some feedback)

I hope your writing, or reading, is as marvellous as you are!


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