Chapter 11

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Taylor's POV

Did you know why i said no to him? Well i'll explained now. I said no because, i don't want to be make things awkward around us when we both said "I love you" to each other. And i don't know if we could even do long distance relationship, it hurt. It hurts when you love someone live far away from you. You'll not be able to hug him , touch him , nor do see each other to face. Plus i need some process. We both known each other for a couple months, but still i don't have the feelings that Harry had for me. I feel really bad but i promise i'll try to gained my feelings for him. Not too much because 'people said' if you love too much, you hurt too much. Basically i need some times to make my decision. Whether Harry like it or no i still need my own decision.

Harry: why?

Taylor: look i don't feel the same way as you do to me. I need some times to think my own decison. I like you but not 'love you' just please be understanding :)

Harry: that's fine. I told you i don't want to rushed you or what, so take your time ;)

Taylor: thankyou so much for understanding :))

Harry: this may be sound cheesy but

Taylor: what tell me

Harry: nope forget it, it's too soon

Taylor: promise me you tell me later

Harry: i promise :))

Taylor: i need food

Harry: just go eat silly why not

All of sudden someone scream my name,

"TAYLOR !" A voice yelled. As i see it's my Mom. Before i go to my mom i texted Harry,

Taylor: hold on , my mom call me

Harry: mm ok

I walked downstairs to see my mom,

"What?" I questioned.

"What do you want to eat?" She asked rolled her eyes. What the f!ck is going on?!?

"What's wrong? Why did you so rude to me?" I asked with my confident tone at my voice.

"Just shutup!" She said raised her voice.

"Whatever. Oh i had 1 question WHERE IS MY DAD?" I raised my voice louder.

"None of your businnes." She said with a sarcastic tone.

"None of my business? Why are you talking about?!? He is my father and i deserved to know! I repeat WHERE IS MY FATHER MOM?!?" I yelled with a anger boiled inside me.

"Can you just die already?" She whined and slapped me leaving me a huge bruise on my cheeks.

I can't believe my own mom say that to me. It's not only my friends saying that. But my own mother do too. I ran to my room and yelled,

"I'M LEAVING!" I yelled and cried harder.


I ignored her answered, before packing my clothes i texted Harry.

Taylor: she kicked me out.

Harry: what the fuck? Are you alright?!?

Taylor: no. She slapped me and i said that i'm leaving and her answer was "Good make sure to never comeback" do you know what it felt? To be hate by your own mother? Cause it hurt me like a shit.

Harry: no way, i'm not allowed you to leaving. You need to stand yourself. Go call a police that you've been abused. If you're not doing that then i do. I want to make sure that your safe even i live far away. I just want you to be safe that's all i need.

Taylor: harry idk what would i do without you, your amazing. And i promise i call the police soon.

Harry: pinky swear?

Taylor: pinky swear :)

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