Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

My heart shattered. She does not have a crush to me but Jake. I tear up when she said the person. I though it was me but no i was wrong. I love her very much and it hurt like a shit that i got rejected.

"Dude" i said.

"What?" Louis asked.

"You know right that girl i met on internet?" My voice cracked.

"Obviously. You talking bout that girl all the time. What's wrong?" He asked looking at my eyes.

"I know it's so shitty that i cry because of girl. But damn i love that girl fuckin much. I found out she had a crush on someone called Jake." I said as tears escaped from my eyes. Honestly i never cry over a girl. But Taylor she's different. She made me fall in love more and more.

"You love her right" he asked.

"Ofcourse dumbass" i wiped my tears away.

"Then Make her happy." He said with a reassure.

"Why did you reassure me?"

"It's because you never gonna had a perfect life trust me. Everything on world is not perfect. There's a time when you happy and also there's a time when you're down. You're a good person Harry. You deserve a happiness. But what you've been through now it's torture. If she happy then you have to. No matter what happened i know Taylor needs you." Louis said.


- what do i have to do now god i'm bored ~~~~

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