Chapter 14

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Taylor's POV

Taylor: Harry!!! today i'm gonna went on a date with Jake!!

Harry: oh have fun.

Taylor: are you alright? You seem off lately

Harry: school make me

Taylor: oh stay strong for you :)

Harry: haha

Harry's POV

She's gonna went on a date with that person. Ugh why did this have to be happening to me. I wish i'm the person, but distance. Well distance seperate us. Shit how much i hate distance.

Taylor's POV

~ After a Date ~ (A/N sorry if i rush it i just want to get straight to the point)

When i get home the biggest smile on my face is showed. JAKE ASKED ME OUT! Oh god i need to tell Harry!!!

Taylor: HARRY!

Harry: how's the date? are you alright? did he dumped you? oh god i'll kill him if he did

Taylor: chill hazza, he asked me out!! I can't describe how happy am i!

Harry's POV

Taylor: chill hazza, he asked me out!! I can't describe how happy am i!

My jaw dropped. My head hurt. My hurt we're aching. My body we're froze. I dropped my phone instantly. My eyes we're bawling i try to hold it but it fell. The Tears. I heard lot of text sending but i couldn't take my phone. I couldn't type any words to her. My heart we're broke.

Taylor's POV

Taylor: harry you there?

Taylor: where are you

Taylor: why did you didn't answer my text

Taylor: what did i do

Taylor: please comeback


Taylor: i need you.


- omg harry boo are you blind to see it? Taylor needs you. Guys i had a lot of ideas for this story, hope you enjoy as much as i do ;)

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