To Trust Frost Over Fire

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Sif was on her final blade as the door swung open, revealing the man that had troubled her thoughts for the last two hours.  "Welcome back."  The young warrior finished sharpening the dagger in her hand and was preparing to put them back in her weapon pouch.

The door closed behind Loki with a small click, yet it still echoed throughout the long halls of the Asgardian castle.  He stepped cautiously towards her, not very keen on walking towards a tempermental warrior that had at least twenty knives within reach.  "Need a hand?"

"I think I can do it myself, I have been doing this since I was a child." She practically hisses, but it only encourages the Prince to win her over even more.  A prize he had to fight for.

"Let me rephrase the question, may I lend you some assistance?"  He doesn't miss a beat with his fast reply, inching closer yet.  He holds his hands out so she can see he doesn't have anything to harm her, although deep down he knew that wouldn't be enough reassurance.

"If that's what helps you sleep at night."  She says with a roll of her eyes, carefully laying the blades within her bag.  She pretends to be busied by the weapons, but he can sense that she is watching him from the corner of her eye.  With a small smirk, he sits beside her.

She doesn't look up from the bag, refusing to acknowledge his closeness.  He reaches for one of the shorter daggers and sees her immediately stiffen up, glancing quickly at his now armed hand.  He acts as if he didn't notice her reaction, placing it inside her bag.  Her large, mesmerizing brown eyes flick up and meet the glance of his own.  With a grin, he reaches for the remaining blade and puts it directly in the bag.

"You do not trust me?" He refers to the incident with a childlike smirk.

She meets his gaze with an icy stare.  "Why would I?  What reason have you gifted me with to cause me to trust a traitor as yourself?"  Her eyes say it all, the distrust.  But, hinted deep inside her brown eyes was something else, and that something might be what Loki can clasp onto and use to his advantage.  In her eyes was a spark of curiosity, something Loki was dangerously good at manipulating.

He keeps his expression friendly, leaning back on his hands.  "I can prove it to you."  The mischief maker states.  He can feel himself becoming even more intrigued by Sif, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

"I'd like to see you try."  Sif quickly gets up, slinging the bag over her shoulder.  She doesn't give him a second look as she strides for the door, Loki rising from his spot to follow the woman.  

"Where are you going?"  He asked, a little concerned at her sudden decision.  Sif hides a smirk as she hears the worry in his voice.

"To train."  Sif opens the door, walking out to the hall.  Loki thinks about it for a second and decides to tag along.  If there is a place where he can get to know her true self, it's in the arena and soaked in the blood of those he attempted to challenge her.

"May I come?"  

"I assume you will follow me anyhow.  Why would I give orders to a Prince, you can not make up your own mind?"  She still hasn't glanced at him as he catches up to her, walking by her side.  She speeds up, just enough so she stands about four inches in front of him.  In the animal kingdom, the Alpha always walks in front.  Wether Sif was trying to hint something or not, he didn't know.

They walk in silence the rest of the way, Loki making his way to the bleachers to watch Sif perform.  She didn't mean it to be, yet every time she picked up a blade, she pulled in a crowd who would watch in awe for hours.  Her skill was impressive, and highly rare for a woman.  Loki couldn't help but find it captivating.

Sif withdrew her weapon of choice, a long, double sided sword.  She twirls it a few times in her palm, and with the speed of a lion on the hunt slashes into a mannequin.  She flips and ducks in and out until it lays on the ground in shreds, unidentifiable.  The crowd grows, clapping and whistling.  It came as no surprise to Sif, she ignored it.  But, this was only warm up.  The real stuff was on it's way.

"Do I have a volunteer?" She calls out to the audience, now filling the stands.  Word spreads fast in Asgard and if a whisper of entertainment is heard, the whole damned place flocks to it like a seagull to a french fry.

A young warrior, a cocky one t that gets up from his seat, walking to the warrioress.  She gives him a polite nod which he doesn't return.  Clearly, he hasn't watched Sif battle yet.  They exchange a few words, and Sif allows the boy to make the first move.

He is armed with a long dagger and a shield.  Quickly, he attempts to fool her by looking as if he was attacking straight but jumps to the left at the last second.  Without even raising her sword, Sif slams the man into the ground with an elbow, smirking.  She had been prepared.

He lets out a shout but climbs back to his feet, earning a couple gasps from the crowd.  He looks as if he has broken a rib but continues on, not wanting to look like a fool.  This time, he uses his dagger, throwing it directly at Sif as he dashes forward.  With ease, she smacks it aside with her sword, meeting the man with her hand wrapped around his neck, pushing him back.

Honestly, Loki thought she looked bored.  The warrior glares at Sif, who calmly picks up his dagger and hands it to him.  This angers him even more as he tries to cut her wrist, causing Sif to roll her eyes.  Without hesitating, the warrioress leaps in the air, and midair, kicks the man with all her strength.  It sends him crashing backwards and gasping for air.  He had gotten the wind knocked out of him and Sif had landed gracefully on her two feet.

The crowd is screaming at this point, cheering on Sif to finish the job.  Never has she purposely killed an Asgardian.  Of course there were the occasional- okay the usual training incidents, but she didn't think of herself as a gladiator in any sorts.  She craved the violence, maybe even too much, but what made Sif special was the fact that she showed mercy.  That was a rare trait in a respected, high ranking warrior.

With a quick adjustment to her ponytail, she strides over to the injured man, helping him up and letting him lean on her as she walked him to the side of the arena, where all the emergency healers were on duty.  The audience claps as she leaves him to the nurses, grabbing her sword and walking out.

Loki shoves through the mass of people, trying to get to the goddess.  He finally reaches the door, his eyes scanning the area for her.  There, not too far up ahead she is sitting under a tree, cleaning her sword for the second time today.  With a scowl, he notices someone else is there with her.



Updated!  Yay!  I hope you all like it, if you do, vote and comment!  Please tell me if you see any typos.  Also, check out my instagram @armyofasgard !  


Tom Hiddleston has become E!'s Celebrtity of 2013!!  Yippee!!  I was voting for days lol.  Anyways, let me know what you think!  

Have a wonderful day/morning/night!

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