Rose Petals

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(Alrighty, there is slightly mature content in this chapter and I know that makes some people a little uncomfortable, so consider this a warning.  It's not too bad because I'm really not into writing smut and whatnot, but I don't think it is appropriate for people who can't handle a little bit of description)

The couple snuck their way down the winding hallways, Sif being a champion when it came to stealth.  Her footfalls were practically inaudible, so of course Loki tried his best to make her mess up her concentration.  Sif took many things seriously, and when she was 'in the zone' as Loki referred to it as, when she was in full concentration, you'd most likely lose an eye if you disturbed her.

"Siiif."  Loki whispered loudly, grinning as he grabbed for her waist.  Sif sent him a hard glare before continuing stalking her way down the halls, her eyes peeled for any signs of Agents.  Loki rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he followed with the smirk still on his lips.  He was definitely cautious, but the warrioress took caution to a whole new level.  After Loki had gotten shushed by Sif about ten times, they made it to the pool area.  

Most of the lights were off, but there was still a dim glow from the stray lights that were scattered around.  Before Sif could walk into view of the cameras, Loki grabbed her by the wrist and held her to him.  She was about to snap back with a growled response until she realized what he was doing.  He lifted an eyebrow at her as she relaxed, her muscles no longer tense like she was about to punch someone in the face.  He held back a laugh before casting the spell, uttering a few words under his breath and casting an illusion on the security cameras.

The people watching the screens would see a stilled image of the pool area, however, they most likely wouldn't notice.  Besides, who is dumb enough to swim in a pool at a five star hotel when its closed?  And why would they expect someone to be able to cast illusions on the cameras?  The point is, they wouldn't.  And Loki knew that.

The prince pulled Sif into the open, chuckling quietly.  She gazed around, half expecting an Agent to be lurking in the shadows.  There was none to be found.  As she did so, Loki had cast aside his shirt and pants, leaving him in a pair of Midgardian boxer shorts that he had grabbed from the store they had all stopped at.  Sif held back a grin at the sight, the god being surprisingly toned.  He was muscular, but in a lean way and it never stopped coming as a shock to her.

Loki, without any hesitation leaped into the pool, a loud and rather large splash echoing into the room.  Sif laughed, the situation absolutely ridiculous.  Here they were, hiding away from Agents in a hotel full of business men, and Loki wasn't even bothering to be quiet as he swam back to the surface of the pool in his underwear.  He turned to look at her, his raven hair slicked back from the water and a mischievous smirk on his lips.  Loki swam to the edge of the pool closest to her, his arms draped over on the floor and keeping him up.  He watched her slip off her boots and set them on a nearby chair, his eyes never leaving her form.

Sif turned, lifting a brow at him.  "Will you stop that?  You're making this so much stranger than it has to be." She laughed, grinning as she somewhat hesitantly slipped off her top.  Loki just chuckled, swimming back under the water.  He would have much rather watched her, but he still didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Only a few moments later, Sif hopped into the pool also, sinking down to the bottom of the pool with her eyes open and peering around.  She had always enjoyed doing so, as she absolutely adored the water.  She also liked the way everything appeared under the water, peaceful, calm and beautiful.  The image was distorted from the water, but she saw Loki swim towards her and grab her hand, swimming with her back to the surface.  Their heads popped up from the water, water slicking their hair back and water droplets dripping from their face.  They stared at each other in silence for a few moments, admiring each other's features and just enjoying their closeness.

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