Consider it Done

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Sif had taken most of her anger out in the arena but her skill was not as good as it normally is.  She had missed many times, stumbled and even tripped.  She left feeling let down and useless.  Thankfully, Fandral caught her on her way out.

"Greetings, Lady Sif!  Where are you headed?"  He walks gleefully beside her, a large smile on his face.  It wasn't very often that the god took things seriously, he was known to crack jokes during battle.

She tried giving him a smile in return but she could tell she had failed miserably.  "Nowhere in particular, just going for a stroll."  She answers, unable to keep the sadness from her tone.

"You are troubled?"  He asks, referring to her slouched shoulders and voice.

Sif waits in a moment of silence, pondering over whether she should tell him about it.  It sounded pathetic when she went over it in her head, she couldn't imagine how weak people would see her if she said it out loud.  But, Fandral was a friend - a trustworthy one at that.  He wouldn't dare jump to conclusions or not take her seriously.

With a sigh, she began to speak.  It wasn't healthy for her to keep it all in, anyhow.  Sif told Fanral everything in great detail, him nodding at the right times but always keeping his eyes on her.  "It sounds like you are in love, Sif."

"Was in love."  She says back.  "I couldn't hate him more now."

"See, that's the thing.  Your mind is telling itself to hate him, to want to get revenge.  But that's not what it wants, it would much rather think of his features, his voice, the way he laughs.  Allow your thoughts to wander for a few moments and you will see this.  Deep down, you don't hate the man.  More than anything, you want to love him, and to be loved back."  Sif is taken aback by the wiseness she can sense in his words, but nods in a 'I understand your way of thinking'.

"How do you know so much about love, Fandral?  You're more than just a womanizer?"

"I was in love once.  I'd rather not speak about it, she's not here anymore."  Sif senses the sadness in his voice and leaves it be. 

"I'm here if you ever need to talk about it, you know that."  She says, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly.

"I know."  He replies, which instantly sends shivers up her spine.

'I know.'   The memory almost knocks the breath out of her and she closes her eyes, sitting down.

"I'm suddenly feeling a bit nauseous."  She mutters, putting her head down on her knees.

"Are you alright?"  Fandral kneels beside her, eyebrows furrowed in concern.  "Shall I request the healer?"

"No, no.  It's fine.  Lack of sleep."  Sif shakes her head, trying to clear the thoughts from her head.

"You will fall ill if you do not rest, Sif.  You're not as indestructible as you seem."

She gave her friend a weak smile, a playful glint shining through the sorrow.  "You think me fragile?"

"Don't twist my words, you know I am just worried for your well being.  After all, what would the army do without their commander?"

"Find a new one."  She replies, managing to put her thoughts about Loki to the side.


Loki felt his heart pounding out of his chest as he walked down the Bifrost path.  His palms were sweaty and for the first time, the Gatekeeper caused him great fear.  Heimdall was his only chance to get Sif back, and he would try everything to succeed. 

The colors shifted with his footsteps, triggered by weight change.  He used this as a distraction, not wanting to think about what he might have to do.

Sooner than he would have wanted, he arrived at the building with a heavy feeling in his gut.  The man stared down at him from his spot, leaning on his blade slightly.

"Greetings, Heimdall."  He manages to keep his voice from shaking, but he clenches a fist to keep his hands from doing so.

"Prince."  He replies shortly, his all-seeing eyes staring at him without blinking.

"I must ask you of a favor that I know I do not deserve, but one I will beg for.  You can See, a great gift.  I know you have Seen what occurred in Midgard between Sif and I."

"That I have."

"I request you show Sif what has happened, to fix the damage that has been done.  I understand that we are not on good terms, trust me I know this.  But it has torn me apart to be without her company these past days, to realize how I have harmed her!"  His voice grows stronger as he gains hope, eyes burning with ambition.

"Is this a question, or a command?"  The Gatekeeper's voice echoes throughout the structure.

"It is a bit of both, if that is possible."  Loki grows impatient, wanting nothing more than to leave and run to Sif.

"I do not like you being affectionate towards my sibling.  She does best without you."  He lies, remembering back to how she had slept.

"You dare attempt dishonesty to the God of Lies, Heimdall?  What are you hiding from me?  I demand an answer as your Prince."  He hardens his voice, all too serious.  He needed to know what Sif had been through.

"She has trouble sleeping, that should come as no surprise."  He admits, glaring at Loki with a hatred.  "But she speaks sourly of you, Lady Sif has lost interest."

"I believe that your powers have grown weak if that is what you conclude."  Loki snapped, narrowing his eyes slightly.  To hear that hurt him, to know she wanted nothing more than to get away from him when he couldn't bare not being by her side to comfort her.

"Get this through your meager skull, Prince of Asgard."  He spat the title in a disgusted way.  "She is better off without you!  You attempt getting close to others but in the end, you always hurt them."

The part that had bothered Loki the most was that it was true.  Whenever he tried to become a friend or a better brother, it always ended poorly for the other person.  In a way, Heimdall had found his weakness.  Regaining his composure, he took a breath before he began.

"Heimdall, I know you do not want me to be anywhere near your sister.  But you must understand something, please, have the least bit of compassion and see this!  I have fallen in love with her, I have never felt this way for anyone.  It is selfish of me to ask, yes, but you must show her what happened.  I can't go on knowing that I have hurt her in such a trying time.  She doesn't deserve such cruelty, so, if you shall not do it for me, do it for her."  Loki's words rang with something they hadn't for a long time, sincerity.  Maybe that is what made Heimdall consider, or maybe it was his pained expression.  Never had he seen Loki expressing his weakness and asking for help, he had too much pride to do so before. 

He could see that Sif brought out the charitable traits in him, and that was soemthing Asgard desperately needed to see.

"I will show her, but only if she agrees to See.  I can not force visions unto others, they must have a deep want for it."

"Consider it done."


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!  Please vote and comment, let me know what you think!

Have a lovely day!

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