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For days she pondered on wether or not she should go to see Heimdall.  Her back ached from sleeping outside as she wouldn't accept any invitations to stay at someone's house.  She couldn't bring herself to disturb everyone's sleep with her nightmares that had gotten worse and worse over the last week.

So every night, she was awoken by her own screams under the stars.  That morning, after having only but a few hours of sleep, she decided that she had enough.  She was either going to get her revenge or die here waiting.

Very early, she began her journey to the Bifrost and found a little joy in the beauty of the sunrise.  She admired the orange glow that blanketed the kingdom, wishing that only her life could be so simple, so natural and beautiful.  But no, her life was wild and covered in blood.

As the sun rose higher and the shadows grew longer, she bumped into Volstagg who was on his way to an early breakfast at one of his favorite diners.

"Sif!  Oh how I have missed you!"  He wrapped his thick arms around her in a bear hug, almost squeezing the life right out of her.

"Good morning, Volstagg!  It's a wonderful surprise to see you!"  She said as she returned the hug, her voice a bit strained as it was getting difficult to breathe.  He released her with one of his famous grins that could warm even the coldest of hearts.

"Where are you headed this early in the morning, M'lady?"  he asked, looking around for what landmark could be of such interest for her.  He knew how Sif loved to sleep in when she could.  "Not a mission, I am guessing?"

"No, no duties have been assigned to me lately.  I'm just going to visit Heimdall, I have neglected his company for awhile now."

He nodded, walking beside her.  "You are a busy woman, I am sure he will understand."

"He will, he knows what it is like."  She replies, thankful that Volstagg hadn't asked much more.

"Let him know I said hello, will you?" 

"Of course.  It was nice seeing you, Volstagg.  Let us catch up sometime."  She meant it, lately she had left no time for her friends and she felt awful about it.  They had stuck with her through her whole life, and yet, she shut them out.

"Just let me know, Sif.  Travel safely!"  And with that, he turned left and left Sif to her thoughts which continued to eat her alive.

She found her excitement growing the closer she got, new ideas for revenge intoxicating her mind.  Oh, the things she had planned for the waste of space woman were horrid, something that could land her quickly in Asgard's prison cells.  But, only if she was caught.  And the warrioress being one of the most stealthy in Asgard had no worries, being caught was the last thing to fret over in her mind.

Soon enough, she arrived at the Bifrost with her curiosity at it's peak.  

"I wasn't expecting you so early, Sif."  Heimdall's voice boomed from his perch, sword in hand.

"I couldn't wait much longer, you know of how little my patience is."  She states, chewing the side of her cheek anxiously.  More than anything she wanted to get this over with and move on with her life, and to start the new day off with a bit of revenge would really get the ball rolling.

"That I do.  Come here, I will Show you what you yearn to See."  He replies, sitting her down.  Many times, people would fall over during their visions.  He couldn't imagine how alarmed she would be if she came to her senses and found herself on the floor.

"Whenever you're ready." She said, her voice shaking a little.  Never before had she done this, and unfamiliar things tended to boost her anxiety quite a bit.  She hadn't a clue what danger she could be walking into.

Suddenly, she felt a pull at the bae of her head, right in the back and she was thrusted into a memory.  Her vision went blank for a moment, blinded by a white light.  But the white seemed to fade after a few moments, revealing the club she had been in with Loki.

There he was, clear as day.  He was taking a swig from his drink and looking around, waiting for her to exit the bathroom.  She felt her hatred boil just at the sight of him, how relaxed he looked.  She waited.  And waited.  But he neither got up or looked at another woman once as the television seemed to capture most of his interest.

Then she saw the disgusting lady walk up behind him and she seemed to murmur his name, but just as he turned she thrusted her mouth to his.  He was frantically trying to pull away, to free himself of her grasp.  He could tell it wasn't Sif, but he didn't know who it was.

Sif's stomach dropped as she saw herself come into view, to see how hurt she looked.  And the feeling only got worse as she ran for the door, Loki trying to run after her.  She watched him scream at the lady and dash outside, searching for her.  The expression of self-loathing and shame hurt to watch, and the despair in his eyes only made it worse.

He had searched for her all night.

At that moment she was pushed back to reality with such force that it knocked the breath out of her.  She was physically shaking and her thoughts had gone crazy.  It was never Loki's fault, he had never tried to hurt her.  

She grabbed for her head as if she had a headache, Heimdall looking a bit concerned.  "Are you alright?"  he asked, his deep voice causing her eyes to flick up to him.  She was horrified.

"What have I done?"  She asked nobody in particular, her voice shaking almost as much as her body.  She had destroyed the person that loved her and it was all her fault.  "I need to leave immediately, I need to find him."  She said, a whole new ferocity finding it's way to her voice as she started getting up on her feet and trying to get to the door.

"No, you need to stay until you recover- do you not see how shaken you are?"  He grabbed her arm, holding it tight but she managed to pull free.

"No!  I must go!"  She yelled back, making a run for the door.  Heimdall allowed her to go, there was no stopping a determined Sif after all.

She would find Loki and she would fix this if it was the last thing she did.


Sorry for this chapter >.<  I really don't like it at all.  But anyhow, if you did enjoy it, please vote and comment!

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Sorry everyone, have a lovely day and let me know if you find any typos!

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