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"Long time no see." The should-be-dead man stated, lifting a brow.  His voice was calm and collected, but his eyes betrayed him.  He was angry- no.  He was irate.  Why wouldn't he be?  The god who had stabbed him was in chains in front of him.

"Likewise." Loki replied stiffly, staring back at 'Coulson' with a look of curiosity... Along with fear.  Being one to 'come back from the dead', he had something in common with the Agent.  Yet, Loki had no means of escaping.  Even he knew that, and knowing that he didn't have a way out scared him.  However, he would not let the mortals know that.  So, he put on his best smug expression and pushed his fear aside, the Loki he used to be coming out.  The Loki before Sif and after his fall from Asgard.  Cocky, arrogant, cunning and a mortal's worst nightmare.  He had to keep up the act.

"I assume you know why we have brought you here, and what you have done to force us to restrain you."  Coulson's voice rang out, meeting Loki's emerald gaze.  The statement actually confused the god.

His best route was to be honest.  "I had come here with no plans of harming others.  Although, if you do not release me, that will change.  I have someone-  I have some things I need to get back to."  He corrected himself quickly, biting his tongue.  He refused to let them know about Sif, he would not put her in danger.  

"Well, we have had an informant that stated otherwise."  Coulson replied, the Agents at his sides silent, staring at the god as if he was a wild lion trapped in a zoo.

"Your informant is wrong."  Loki snapped back, beginning to lose his patience.  What informant?!  Anyone that had been following them would have seen that the only terrible thing they had done this trip was steal.  And that wasn't exactly the equivalent to killing eighty people in two days.

"Our informant is your ally.  Do tell me how I am incorrect?"  Phil asked, his voice cool and radiating an 'I-know-you're-lying' tone.  But, Loki was not lying.

Ally?!  What ally?  Questions were filling Loki's mind, confusion clear on his face as he stared back at Coulson.  He really had no idea what ally they were talking about, Just about every soul in the universe despised him.  "I do not have any allies currently.  I am my own."  Loki finally stated, staring at the ground.  This conversation was just a reminder of how he failed in New York.  How he would constantly be in danger of being found by his former allies.  

'If you fail, if the Tesseract is kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice where he can not find you. You think you know pain? He will make you long for something as sweet as pain.'  The warning he was given by The Other himself rings in his mind sending a chill up his spine.  He knew that Thanos knew no such thing as mercy.

"Currently."  Coulson states, clearly not believing the god's words.  "I think you're lying to us.  And we have been looking for you, Loki.  But it seems you just walked up to us, so I thank you for making your capture so easy."  The Agent mocked, letting out a small chuckle at the sight of Loki, completely defenseless.

"I am not lying to you, fool!  I came to Earth with a friend, my only purpose in coming here was to treat my friends!"  Loki shouted back, agitated by the fact that the Agents laughed at him so easily.  He could crush their skulls with his fist alone...

"So you bring them to the planet in which you failed to destroy?  Something is not adding up, Asgardian."  Coulson states, then taking out a device from his pocket.  Loki stares at it quizzically, the device smaller than Phil's palm.  Quickly, he taps a button on it's side and noise emits from the small object.

"He has failed usss.  But that does not mean we have failed...  You have just won your first battle, and we seek our revenge.  He will destroy you.  He will destroy your planet, and next is Asgard.  Everything you know will perissshhh!  We have our soldiers in the ready, there is no escape!  We will find...  Loki."  The message was crackled, but it was clear.  Loki recognized the voice easily, it was the voice of that who had haunted his slumber for so many nights.  It was The Other speaking.

Dizzy.  Loki felt dizzy.  And light headed.  He needed water, or to lay down.  They were looking for him!  They would find him!  Thanos would find him!  And to Midgardian ears, they just made it sound like he was an ally, when in reality, Loki was just the man they wanted to torture.  

"You do not understand!  They only want me because I failed them.  They want to torture me, to finish the deal I had made with them."  Loki groaned, leaning his head back against the chair he was propped in with despair.  Things had just begun working out for him, and now this had to happen.

"Lies.  You are their ally, and guess what, Loki?  We have your little friends.  That's right, we got every one of them.  The blonde, the man with the thick accent, the big guy.  A girl.  We have your allies."  Coulson finished, tucking the device away into his pocket.

Loki wanted to throw up, his vision was dotting around his eyes and all he could do was scream.  "LET HER GO!  YOU ARE WRONG, THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!  LET THEM GO, RELEASE THEM!"  The prince shouted, feeling as if his vocal chords were tearing in the process.  He continued yelling, his glare rabid and desperate.

"Sedate him." Coulson said simply to the man to his left, the man nodding and swiftly walking to the left of the cage as Loki continued to scream useless commands and explanations.  The door slid open and the man lifted the gun like object at Loki.

"PLEASE!" Loki shouted one more time, just as something pricked into his arm.  It was almost instant, the fuzzy feeling in his head and the lights fading out.  The last thing he saw was the door closing again and Coulson along with the other Agents staring back at him.

"Let Sif go.."  Loki managed to whisper, his eyes pleading just as his head fell weakly to his chest.  He was back in the darkness, again.


THE END.  Just kidding, next chapter is probably on Tuesday.  PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK BELOW!  Also, vote if you enjoyed it along with adding it to your libraries!  And don't forget to follow my Wattpad to stay updated!

Talk to y'all later!! <3

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