Left Over

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Sif starts to wake up, stretching while she lays down when suddenly she feels a body next to her.  Her eyes open wide to see Loki laying next to her and she starts to scream, falling off the bed in a fit and smacking him in the face on her way down.

"GUARDS!  GUARDS, HELP!"  She screams, Loki opening his eyes, yelling also.

"Sif!  What was that for!?"  He rubs his face, which now has her handmark on it.  "SIF!  Calm DOWN!"

She flails on the ground, trying to get up until he gets up, holding her shoulders and she closes her eyes tight, shaking.  "Sif, it's fine!  You're okay!"  She opens one eye to look at him and then sighs, relaxing as she remembers last night.  

"Oh.  Goodmorning."  She says with an embaressed giggle, blushing.

He rolls his eyes, shaking his head.  "Thanks for murdering my face, that was a very friendly way to wake up the person who took care of you last night."  He says sarcastically.

"Sorry about that."  She chuckles, giving him a girlish smile.  He can't stay mad at her, she had gone through so much and he couldn't possibly bring himself to say anything that might hurt her feelings.

"Sure you are."  He teases, letting go of her.  "How did you sleep?"

"Surprisingly well."  She answers, looking around the room.  "And you?"

"Wonderfully."  He says with a smile, then giving her his all too famous smirk.  "Your hair smells like strawberries."  She laughs, lifting an eyebrow.

"Is that so?"  She picks up a piece, pretending to smell it.  "Delicious."  She says, getting up with a stretch.

Loki tries not to watch, suddenly becoming very interested in the floor's design.  "We have a big day today."  He says while he also stands, running a hand through his hair and shaking it out.  It was Sif's turn to look away.

She remembers her house with a frown, it all suddenly coming back to her in a wave.  "It's going to be alright Sif, you can do this.  Just watch, you'll come out even stronger than you were before."  He reassures with a small smile.  "I'll ask my mother to buy you some clothes, too.  Can't have a girl with only one outfit, can we?"

"I don't think so."  She says with a laugh, she couldn't understand how he remained so positive when the world seemed to be in such turmoil for them both.

"You can go take a shower, I'll go visit Frigga and notify her of the situatuon, you should have more clothes by the time you're done."  It takes everything in him to not stay, but he know he must earn her trust.

"Thank you so much, Loki.  I can't express my gratitude."  She says, giving him a quick hug before she heads off to the shower.  He watches her hips sway as she walks, closing the door behind her.

Shaking his head in attempt to clear his somewhat perverted thoughts, he slips on some clothes and takes off to visit with his mother.


Frigga had brought him to about five stores already, helping him pick things out as he was clueless when it came to...  Certain articles of clothing.  She based the clothes off of red, silver, and green, her favorite colors.  By the time they were done, two hours had gone by and he managed to thank his mother quickly, rushing back to the room with bags hanging from his arms.

Sif was sitting in the bathroom with a towel a pissed off expression on her face.  She had been sitting there for an hour and a half, waiting for his return.  She rolled her eyes when she heard a knock on the door.

"Sif, I am so sorry that took so long, my mother!  She got a bit carried away, you know how she loves to shop."  He said through the door, trying to hide the smirk from his voice.

"Just please, give me my clothes now."  She muttered back, reaching an arm outside the door.  He set a bag in her hand and walked back to the other side of the room, laying the rest of the boxes and bags in a corner.

He knew exactly what was in that bag, he had planned it during his whole walk back.  And better yet, he could blame his lovely mother for buying it, and just leave out the fact that he picked it out.  He tried to hide his mischevious smile as he heard the door click open.  "Seriously?"  She aksed, her voice annoyed.

He turned acting surprised, which to some degree, he was.  "Wow, Lady Sif.  You clean up nicely."  He said with raised eyebrows.  "I'm impressed."

"Will you just shut up?  You don't have any normal clothes in there?"  She growls, looking down at herself in disgust.  She had a tight corset on, her normal wear but this one especially showed off her curves in a new light.  She had on tight black pants that fell inside her tall boots.  Loki's favorite part, of course, was the fact that her corset had glimmers of emerald green, silver, and black, almost matching his own normal outfit as far as patterns go.

"My mother has wonderful taste."  He says with a laugh, eyes glimmering in amusement.  Sif flips him off as she walks to the bags, chucking clothes around looking for something 'decent'.

"Did your mom seriously buy me lingerie?"  She turns, glaring at him as she lifts the full bag up.  "Or was this your sick idea."

He holds his hands up in sarcastic surrender.  "Wasn't me, I don't go in those stores."  He says with a smirk and a crooked smile.

"Oh, of course you don't."  She mutters under her breath, getting up and walking across the room towards him.  "I'm going to my...house."  She sighs, looking at the ground sadly.  "To see if I can recover anything."

"You won't have to go alone, I'm going to help."  He answers, putting an arm over her shoulder.  She gives him a raised eyebrow arched in suspicion but doesn't argue.


Sif stares at her burned house, her expression filled with sorrow and a hint of regret.  She didn't want to see this, to see her home in absolute ruins.  Loki looks sympathetically over at the woman, holding out his hand.  "Come on, we can do this togther."  He says with a small smile as she takes his hand and is led into the ashes that cling to their boots.

They get to a certain part of the house that is unknown to Loki, Sif digging through piles of ash and cinder.  She ends up finding multiple weapons, piling them into her bag.  Sadly, most of her stuff was gone, either melted by the heat or burned to nothing.

She gets up to another part of the house, what he assumed had been her bedroom considering there was a half burned headboard and posts.  She went in what looked like a small closet, her eyes frantic but her movement slow.  Curiously, Loki walks slowly to his friend, peering inside.  

That's when he noticed just how defeated she looked, reaching for a small wooden trinket of a bear that had burned away to a small stub.  A tear fell down her face, leaving a trail in the soot that had fell on her cheeks.  "This was something I had since I was born.  I know not who my parents were, but I knew of this.  It had always been there."

Her voice broke his heart, he felt the exact moment it shattered.  Parents were a tough subject for him, and to hear of her own troubles hurt him.  He knew just how alone she felt, how lost.  He wouldn't wish the feeling upon anyone, not even his greatest enemy.  He watched her chuck the tiny piece of wood across the room, falling down in a fit of sobs.

He quickly got up to fetch it, brushing some of the ash from it.  He stepped back towards Sif, lifting her chin. "Hey.  It'll be okay." he soothes, holding her hand and placing the object in the center of her palm, then closing her fingers around it.  "It isn't all gone, the appearance has changed but the meaning is still there."

The warrioress looks up at him, eyes brimming with tears.  "The meaning is still there." she repeats softly.


POW POW!  Next chapter!  Tell me what you think and spread the word!  Don't forget to vote & comment if you enjoyed!  Please notify me if there are any typos!

Have a MARVELous day my lovely Asgardians!

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