Chapter Two

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Kacee P.O.V

Fenix and I just had amazing sex. It was volcanic. The best yet. I got up of bed to go and pee. I looked back one more time to see Fenix face, he was so hot. I took my phone to see my WhatsApp. I knew nobody was going to text me at 5 o clock but I looked through my messages anyway.

There were lots of thank you texts from my friends for being invited, which I hadn't seen because Fenix and I got right to it. My party was awesome, except for the whole Shannon, Eric, and Val thing.

Suddenly, million texts from Shannon started to arrive. I texted back to see what was the fucking problem, I mean it was 5 in the morning. She finally answered.

I texted something horrible to Eric, my reputation is totally broken.

I told her to send me a screenshot ASAP. She took I whole lot of time to send it. I guess she was really drunk. I mean I don't blame her, Val did something totally shitty. She finally send me the screenshot... and I screamed.

I woke Fenix up. "Babe what's the deal?" Fenix said while opening the bathroom door. "Did you see the scary killer clown video, again? Babe, you know that video is scary as fuck." I showed him the screenshot to shut him up. He screamed too.

I texted Shannon back and told her to stayed calm and go to sleep. I was definitely going to sleep after all that sex I had. I couldn't even walk. I was relating big time to Ariana Grande's "Side to Side".

The next day, I told Barbie about my amazing night and all the city's gossip in our cooking class. There was A LOT of gossip to be talked about. I mean Marie had just gotten back with Fabio, who was total fuck boy, and Esmeralda had hooked up with one of the waterpolo players, who was dating Renata. This town was full of gossip and I knew everything. Suddenly, I received a text from Val.

Hey, girl can I meet you today at the mall at 6 p.m? We totally have to talk about your rocking party. Answer ASAP I have plans with Eric, but don't tell Shannon, she is being so bitchy lately.

I texted her back, telling her I was going. I was mad at her for ruining my party. My party was a bomb, instead of being a terrorist attack. That bitch doesn't deserve anything, but I'll go because she's my friend.

I entered my car and went to Red Lobster, where I was meeting Fenix, Naomi, and Larry. When I arrived I caught them talking about Shannon's embarrassing text to Eric. But what really triggered my anger was hearing Fenix say don't tell Kacee I told you. Like what?

"Hey guys!" I said while arriving to their table. "Can I talk to you for sec, Fenix?" The motherfucker stood up and went outside the Red Lobster. I started shouting to him, and soon we started fighting. "What are you mad about?" Fenix said. "Is it because I didn't agreed to do the 69 position? Babe, you know I get nervous with it." I told him I was mad because he told them about the screen shot and that we were done.

Fenix stood there paralyzed with no words. He didn't tried to stop me from leaving, and that truly hurt. I loved him so much. We had been together for such a long time. Four fucking months, you know. I guess all that time didn't matter to him. I called Shannon, I didn't care I had a date with Val, I was going to get the revenge I wanted and needed.

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