Chapter Nine

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Fenix P.O.V

WTF. Naomi was fucking crazy. I was so surprised with Naomi punching Shannon, that I had forgot that she fucking kissed me.

It was horrible. She smelled like cheap tequila and smoke. And she left me with unconscious Shannon. I quickly grabbed Shannon and carried her to Gerry's room.

Patricia and one of the waterpolo players were in the bed sleeping. "Get the fuck out!" I screamed to them. They quickly woke up and left the room.

I placed Shannon in the bed. I tried waking her up but nothing worked. I checked her breathe to se if she wasn't dead, which I doubted, but I had to check. Fortunately, she was still alive, she was just passed out because of the punch.

I sat on the bed next to her. I was tired and needed some rest. I was sure she wouldn't mind. When I was about to close my eyes, the door opened. It was Kacee.

"Kacee, wait" I said. I went to her and closed the door, so in case there was screaming we wouldn't wake Shannon up. "So, you and Shannon then?" Kacee asked. "No, no" I answered quickly, "It's just that Naomi punch her and I brought her here". "Wait what?" Kacee interrupted "She PUNCHED her?". I just nodded

"Kacee bring the pot!" someone shouted to Kacee. She sighed and said "I have to go, I'm sorry". I watched her leave and decided that I had to let her go.

Shannon P.O.V

I woke up. I look at my right to see who was breathing in my neck. It was Fenix. I jumped out of bed and woke him up. "Are you okay?" Fenix asked, "Naomi did punch you really hard". I then remember everything. Fenix and Naomi kissing. Naomi punching me.

I touch my head. It ached so badly "I am sorry for interrupting your make up session with Naomi". "She kissed me, it meant nothing" he said irritated and a little disgusted.

I sat on the bed and Fenix sat beside me. "So are you and Kacee really over?" I asked him. "I think so, I mean I do love her, but she decided to end things with me". I sighed loudly "I am sorry to hear, you made a nice couple". He forced a smile and I got up the bed.

"I need to do something" I said to him, "thanks for everything. And solve your issues with Kacee she loves you". I left the room. I started to look for Eric, I just needed to know what made him do what he did.

I finally found him "Eric, we need to speak". He looked at me with a surprise look. "Okay, I guess" he said, "Lets got outside". We went to the terrace and I spoke.

"Why did you cheat on me with Val? I didn't know you were unhappy with our relationship" I cried trying to holding back my tears. "I am so sorry, I was wasted and I saw you talking with Nate. You know I have issues with the motherfucker" he said honestly, "I never meant to hurt you, Val is just a whore and she was there for me to fuck". I was mad at him still, what he said didn't justify what he did.

"I know that it doesn't justify what I did," he said reading my mind, "but I miss you and we belong together, everyone knows". I started crying then. I couldn't forgive him just like that "I'm sorry, but I can't".

I walked inside and left him standing in the terrace. Fenix saw me and said "Do you want a ride home, I'm leaving anyway". I wiped my tears and answered "I do need a ride, but not home". He looked confused "Where then?". I breathed in, "The hospital".

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