Chapter Six

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Marie P.O.V

Gerry's party was sucking so far. I was so bored and I didn't feel like drinking. Fabio came to the party with Patricia. I rolled my eyes. I was tired of him. I needed to tell him what a dick he was for treating me like shit.

I pushed people out of my way until I arrived to Fabio. He was fucking flirting with Annie Peyton. WTF she had a fucking boyfriend, Ethan,who was totally hotter than that dick. I grabbed an empty bottle of tequila from the table and threw it at him. "Marie, what the actual fuck?" Fabio shouted, "Are you crazy you could have killed me or worse, ruin my fucking mascara, bitch."

I started to get so angry at him and the following words came out of my mouth. "You are such an asshole, you think you're so hot, but wake the fuck up!" I threw bottles of water, empty or not empty, at him.

"You think you own everyone. Your dick is smaller than Ariana Grande's tits, you need a microscope to see it" I continued, "Go to hell, and BTW the sex was awful".

I walked out to the terrace. I tried to calm down and have a moment of silence. But seconds later, I heard lots of talking inside. I went inside to see what the hell was going on. And then I saw her. Val passed out on the floor. The ambulance had just arrived and was about to take her to the hospital. She had drank too much again.

I saw Shannon and asked her what had exactly happened. "Nothing new" Shannon said, "the bitch got what she deserved". She then disappeared in the crowd.

Eric didn't seem to care at all. He just went to the couch he had been seating all night and smoked some pot.

I suddenly felt an urge to vomit. I went inside Gerry's bedroom. Patricia was sleeping in the bed and snoring loudly alongside with a waterpolo player from school. I couldn't care less so I went to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth with Gerry's toothbrush. I knew he didn't mind, he was one of my closest friends and I also did it when I had bulimia.

I smiled. I remembered does times perfectly. I was so thin back then. Maybe that was why Fabio didn't like me, because I was fat. Shannon, Kacee, Naomi, and Val told me that I was in perfect shape, but I didn't believed them.

I got out of the room and saw Phillip. I hadn't talked to him for two weeks, but I had to. I walked towards him. "Phillip" I said to him. "Can we talk?". "Is it urgent? I am in the middle of something" he said obviously annoyed. I grew desperate and grabbed his arm and took him outside.

"What's going on?" Phillip said irritated. "Phillip, we need to talk about that night" I answered hoping he would show more interest in the conversation. "There's nothing to talk about, I was sad, you were there and stuff happened" he answered. Tears started coming out and I said something that I hadn't told anyone, "Phillip, I'm pregnant".

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