Prologue X Prologue

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The burning buildings and screams of the dying people filled the young girl's ears.

The small town of Hallkata, located on an island named Squid Island, was burning to the ground as the group of people called Phantom Troupe killed every living thing in sight.

A little girl lay on the ground with a broken leg, a broken arm, and a deep cut on the back of we neck as she watched her family be brutally murdered by the group of thirteen; The Spiders.

Right before her mother died she looked at her daughter and mouthed Act dead! Instantly the girl understood the message her mother had given her.

The girl closed her eyes and slowed her breathing as she pretend to be dead. The girl focused her hearing through all the noise and directed it towards her mother's breathing. She could hear the rapid movements and breathing of her mother as she lay where she couldn't move.

Suddenly a loud crack brought the girl out of the trance of her mother's breathing. She slowly cracked opened her eyes partially, what she saw would haunt her memories forever.

Lying on the ground only a mere few feet away from the girl, was her mother with a snapped neck with dead eyes pointed towards her daughter. This sight alone almost made the girl cry out and throw up the contents of her stomach.

Suddenly, the girl's vision went black as she stared at her mothers broken figure longer.


"Hey! I think I found a survivor!" The man yelled over to his colleagues as he checked the pulse of the young girl he had found. She had short, black hair that looked like it had recently been cut with safety scissors.

"Really? From the sight of all this, is she really alive?" One of the men that had been searching for survivors.

"She's certainly alive," The first man said as he checked her pulse. "but she's got a broken leg and she may have a broken arm."

The rest of the men came over to see the little girl that was breathing slowly. Suddenly, the girl's eyes opened and showed a bright green thy glistened like  a silver half-moon.

The young girl's eyes slowly opened and fluttered. She saw five men around her and looking at her with pity in their eyes.

The girl tried to sit up, but the man nearest to her protested. "Ah ah, you have a broken leg and you might have a broken arm."

The girl looked around at the ashes of her home town. The building were all reduced to nothing but cinder blocks and charred wood, the bodies of the dead were partially burnt and twisted in sick ways.

"W-who are you?" The girl asked timidly as she looked up to the men. The man in front her had spiked brown hair and blue eyes.

The man in front of her looked at her and said, "We're the rescue team, we were sent to come and see if there were any survivors after the Phantom Troupe attacked."

The girl's memories suddenly returned to her father and brother burning, her mothers snapped neck, the burning buildings, the face that haunted her memories after they had broken her arm and leg. She remembered the knife that had scratched the back of her neck.

"Hey." The man said calmly as he noticed her eyes changing and remembering. "It's okay, no one here will hurt you."

"I'm not scared." The girl stated. Everyone looked at her in shock. "I'm angry." She said after a few seconds with an angry look.

Everyone still looked at her with pity. She didn't want pity.

"What's your name? I'm Shar." The man said. After thinking for a split second, she said. "My name is Maya." Maya was a nice name, a name was all she needed.

"Okay." Said Shar. "How old are you?"
"Eight." Maya said as she looked Shar in the eyes.

"I'm going to ask you a few more questions, is that okay Maya?" Shar asked her. She nodded. "Okay, is your arm broken?"

"Yes, the big man broke it, and he broke my leg." The little girl wasn't focused on her pain, but as she looked past Shar's feet, she saw something that made her blood boil and her eyes water. Her mother's snapped neck, her father's burnt body, and her brother's distorted figure.

Maya looked around at what used to be a nice village with nice people, she had a good family and great friends. But all of that was gone. All of it gone because some spider's wanted to play with their food.

Shar looked at Maya with concern and pity. He couldn't leave a child there with broken eyes and an empty heart. "How would you like to come with me, eh? I'll look after you." Shar knew this was stupid and impulsive, but he didn't want the girl to be alone.

Shar's teammates looked at him oddly, but one said, "I'll leave this with you, Shar. We'll leave this to you." He then turned around and left.

After the rest of the men left, Maya looked up at Shar with a glimmer of hope behind her broken eyes. "I'd love to Shar!"

"Great! I may be able to teach you some Nen. I think you'd like that." Shar told her as he smiled from ear to ear, he had what was so close to a daughter.

Although Maya had no idea what Nen was, or if this man was truly good or not, but she knew that she would one day get revenge on the spiders that needed killing. She would get revenge on the Phantom Troupe.

And with those last thoughts, her vision went black once more.

(A/N Killugya is pronounced kill-oo- guy-a if you have a hard tine pronouncing it.)

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