Tell X the X Truth

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The captain had summoned all the Hunter Exam participants that hadn't been seasick, which was only four, to the cabin that held he wheel. The storm was still going outside, and Maya wanted to just sit in it, but instead she fulfilled the captains wishes and went to him. The remaining participants that weren't sick, were the spiky haired kid, the guy with the semi-long, blond hair and slanted eyes, and the old man with the spiked up hair.

"First, tell me your names." The captain said. They were in the helm room with a few others of the crew.

The spiky haired boy raised his head and said, "I'm Gon!" At least Maya knew his name now.

The blond guy went next and said, "I'm Kurapika."

The old man with a spiky black hair had his hands in his pockets and said, "It's Leorio."

Maya went last, she smiled, put up her hand in a slight wave and said, "I'm Maya."

The captain went on and said, "Why do you want to become Hunters?"

Maya sucked in her breath, but she didn't make a sound, instead she just smiled. The man named Leorio said, "Hey! If you're not an examiner, you can't boss us around!"

Maya looked at him confused, "He basically just saved our lives, and your yelling at him?"

"Just answer the question." The captain said.

Gon looked at the Captain and said, "My dad was a Hunter. I left Whale Island because I want to know why my dad desired to be a Hunter so much."

"Hey, kid!" The old man said. Gon looked over at him. "You're not supposed to answer his question!"

Gon looked at him confusedly, "Why can't I tell him why I'm here?"

"Not a team player, huh? I don't wish to reveal why I'm here." Leorio said as he raised up his hand and looked away. Maya was confused, why wouldn't they? He basically just saved their lives from being thrown over the side of the ship.

"I agree with Leorio." The blond guy, Kurapika, said.

Leorio looked up and said, "Hey! Aren't you younger than I am? Show some respect!"

"It's quite simple to avoid pesky questions by offering a plausible lie." Kurapika said. It was true, but Maya thought there would be no point in lying unless it were a life or death situation, or if you just really didn't want to say the truth if they would just find out anyway.

"Hey! Are you listening to me." Leorio threw up his hands.

Kurapika ignored Leorio and went on, but before he could, Maya spoke. "However, it is useless to rely upon deceit. They would find out eventually."

"That said," Kurapika said. "If I were to tell you the truth, I would be exposing my deepest secrets. That is why I cannot provide an answer."

"But the deepest secrets would be found out eventually. Whether it be accident or on purpose, they would be found eventually." Maya told him.

Everyone looked at Maya as she countered Kurapika's comments. Leorio snapped out of it and pointed at Kurapika. "Hey, you... Don't ignore me!"

"In other words, you refuse to answer my question." The Captain said. He looked over at Katsou.

"Hey, Katsou," Katsou looked over at the Captain. "Tell the examination board we have three more dropouts."

Everyone's eyes widened, "What do you mean?" Leorio asked.

"You still haven't figure it out?" Maya knew what he would say next. "The Hunter Examination has already begun. There are as many Hunter wannabes as there are stars in the sky. The examiners don't have the time or resources to review them all." The coats in took the pope out of his mouth.

"So they hire people like us, to trim the fat. I've already notified the board that everyone else on this ship had to withdraw. If they couldn't handle a little storm, they'd stand no chance in the Hunter Examination's later stages. In mother words, you only proceed to the main exam if I pass you." He put he pipe back in his mouth. "So think carefully before you answer my question."

Gon looked at Leorio. "So he says..."

"He should have told us sooner." Leorio said gumpily.

Suddenly Kurapika said, "I am the last survivor of the Kurta Clan." Maya gasped and looked at the floor. Kurapika went on. "Four years ago, my clan was annihilated by a band of criminals. I wish to become a Hunter and hunt down that band, the Phantom Troupe."

"So you want to become a bounty Hunter? The Phantom Troupe is a Class-A bounty. Not even the most grizzled Hunters can touch them. You'd be throwing away your life."

"I do not fear death." Kurapika said. "I fear only that my rage will fade over time."

"So, in other words, you want revenge." Leorio said. "Does that require you become a hunter?"

"That may be the stupidest question I've ever heard, Leorio." Kurapika said.

"That's Leorio-San to you!" Leorio shouted.

Kurapika ignored him once more. "Places accessible only to Hunters... Actions otherwise impossible.... There are more reasons than your brain could possibly handle."

Gon stopped Leorio from boiling over. "Why do you want to become a Hunter, Leorio-San?" Maya still looked at the floor as her mask faded away, longer than it ever had before.

"Me?" Leorio asked. "I'll make it short. I want money. Money can get you everything! A big house! A nice car!"

"You can't buy class with money, Leorio." Kurapika's voice sounded in Maya's ears. Leorio stopped and looked down at Kurapika.

"That's three times now." Leorio said calmly. "Step outside. I'll end the Kurta bloodline, here and now."

"Take that back, Leorio!" Kurapika shouted as Leorio walked away.

"Wait!" Gon shouted. "We still haven't heard why Maya's here."

Maya gasped and shut her eyes, "The reason I am here..." Maya faltered for a second. "Is because my village was destroyed." She stopped again for a second as Leorio, Gon, and Kurapika stayed quite. "My village was destroyed five years ago, similar to Kurapika's story. It was also the Phantom Troupe."

Maya opened her eyes and looked up at the captain. "I want revenge on the spiders." She placed back on her mask and smiled a bit. "They killed my family, my friends. I was the only survivor. They came and went, I have no idea why they attacked my village, but I'll get them for it."

Everyone looked at Maya as she looked at everyone with a smile, but she still had hate in my he mere corners of her eyes. "Until I find Phantom Troupe, I won't rest. I won't do it for money, I won't care if I die, as long as I bring them down with me. That's why I'm here."

Leorio suddenly walked out as he was still mad at Kurapika. Kurapika ran after him, telling him to take it back. "Hey, come back!" The Captain shouted.

"Let them go." Gon said. "Mito-san once told me... It's important to them to understand why they're mad. So we should let them settle it themselves."

"I'll be right back." Maya said. "I need some fresh air."

"But it's storming out there." The Captain said as she was walking away. Maya stopped, looked back with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I love storms!"

Maya walked up to the deck and climbed up to the crows nest to sit. She shouldn't have told them, but if she had lied she wouldn't have been able to keep going.

That day was the first day in five years Maya had let down her mask for more than thirty seconds.

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