Meeting X the X Contestants

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As the elevator doors slid open, the four newest contestants found themselves in a long underground tunnel. The saw everyone in it stop an look at the four newbies that were obviously fresh blood.

Leorio walked ahead of the group and said, "Strange atmosphere down here.

"They clearly differ from the Hunter applicants we saw at the port and in the city." Kurapika said. "Each is a master in their own right."

"Excuse me..." Gon walked up to mob of people with an innocent smile, but everyone turned away silently. "Everyone's really tense."

"Really?" Maya said. "I hadn't noticed."

Just then a green blob in a tux went up to Leorio holding out a rounded pin with the number 403 on it. "Hello, please take a number." It said, handing each of the four a number.

"Be sure to wear this on your chest at all times. Be careful not to lose it." It said and then walked away.

Gon wound up being 406 while Maya was 405, and Kurapika was 104. "Haven't a seen you guys around before." A male voice sounded outThe group of four looked up to see who had called out. Maya looked up to see a rounded contestant with the start of a scruffy beard and a blue shirt with a satchel on his right shoulder. He had the number 16 on the badge he wore on his chest while he sat on a large pipe that was on the wall.

"Yo!" He said in a moderately high pitched voice.

"You can tell we're new?" Gon asked the man.

"More or less." The man said as he jumped down from the pipe he was sitting on. "After all, this will be my thirty-fifth attempt." He said pleasantly.

"Thirty-fifth attempt?!" The four newcomers exclaimed.

"Well, you could say I'm an exam veteran." He said happily.

Leorio and Kurapika looked at each other. "That isn't something to brag about." Leorio said as he pushed up his glasses to the bridge of his nose.

"Definitely." Maya said as she gave the man an odd look.

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask me." He said.

"Thank you!" Gon said.

"My name is Tonpa." The man said as he held out his hand.

"I'm Gon!" Gon said as he shook Tonpa's hand.

"This is Kurapika, Leorio, and-"

"I'm May. Just May." Maya said, interrupting Gon.

"But you said your name was-" Gon said.

"I'm May, Gon. My name is May." Maya said as she clenched her teeth.

Gon gave Maya a weird look, "Okay....." He then turned towards Tonpa. "Hey, are there other who have taken the exam a bunch of times like you?"

"Well, I have the most experience here. But there are a few others. For instance, there's him..." Tonpa pointed towards a more rounded man with his auburn hair pulled into a ponytail. The man was eating what looked to be Some kind of casserole.

"Contestants 255. Todo, the wrestler. He's unmatched in strength. And he's smarter than he looks. And on the other side, we have number 103, Bourbon, the snake charmer." Tonpa pointed out an old man that was wearing a turban and had an odd mustache that went in a line and then angled down last his mouth. A blue snake with green horizontal lines came up behind the man and hissed while Bourbon looked at it with his arched eyebrows. "He tends to hold grudges, so you dot want to get on his bad side."

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