Arriving X At the X Scene

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The four arrived in Zaban city the next day with excitement buzzing around the younger two.

"As Navigators, our job
Is to identify worthy Hunter applicants am guide them to the exam site." Said the Kiriko that was still transformed into the man said as the five walked down the streets and past the stalls of Zaban city.

"In other words, it would be extremely difficult to find the exam site without a navigator's guidance." The Kiriko finished.

While Kurapika, Leorio, and Maya were following the Navigator and looking around, Gon was going stall to stall to look at all the things they had to offer. One vendor was selling a cooked panda frog on a stick while another was selling a 'National Treasure' brooch.

"You know, Zaban City is quite a shady place." Leorio said while he held his brief case over his shoulder and did his usual slouch walk.

Leorio looked behind the group and noticed Gon wasn't with them. He looked around to see the twelve-year-old going stall to stall.

"Why are you doing Gon? We're going!" Leorio yelled.

"Yeah!" Gon said as he looked up from the stall he was at and started running towards the group.

The five eventually made it to an open plaza with shops lining the sides. The four hopeful participants followed their Navigator until he came to a stop in front of a large building.

"I believe that is the building." The Navigator said as he pointed towards the taller building.

Leorio, Kurapika, and Gon looked up to the large building in awe. "It's so tall! They have a really nice building." Gon said as he held onto the straps of his backpack.

They walked up to the supposed exam building as Leorio said, "So this is the exam site... This Is what draws-"

"Hunter applicants around the world." Kurapika finished.

Maya still stood with the Navigator, waiting for them to notice the actual building the Kiriko had pointed at.

Finally the Navigator called the three over, "Hey guys! Over here."

The three boys looked confused as they walked over to the Navigator and Maya. "Here." Maya said as she pointed towards a run-down shop with vines covering the entire outside of the building

"Wait, this isn't funny." Leorio said. "Isn't than an ordinary restaurant? You can't possibly mean that Hunter applicants from across the world are meant to assemble here?

"I do." The Navigator said. "No one would ever expect the Hunter Exam, with it's millions of candidates, to be located here, correct?"

"Yeah. Ever heard of the word 'inconspicuous', Leorio?" Maya said, teasing him lightly.

As the five walked in, Maya smelled the scent of fresh fish being grilled. "Welcom!" Said the cook that must have been grilling the nice fish Maya smelled.

"Is the back room open?" The Navigator asked the cook.

"What will you have?" The cool asked as he flipped the fish in the pan over as it seared.

"The steak convo that opens your eyes to the light for three." The Navigator said.

"For three.... How would you like them?" The cooked asked as he raised his eyebrow suspiciously.

The navigator raised his finger and said, "Grilled over a low flame, until cooked."

"Got it, let yourself into the back room." The cook said as he went back to grilling the fish that was in the pan in front of him.

Leorio, Kurapika, Maya. And Gon followed the Navigator into the back room where a table with three chairs placed around it sat in the middle of the room. "Wait here." Said the Navigator.

"Wait? Where are the others?" Leorio asked calmly.

"I can't wait for the steak combo." Gon said.

Maya face palmed as she took a seat in one of the chairs. "Gon, that was just the password to get all of us inside." Kurapika said.

"Oh, we don't get to eat?" Gon asked.

"One in every ten million." The four heard the Navigator say. "The number of applicants who make it this far. You've done extremely well for first-timers. Well, good luck."

Gon walked up to the Navigator and held out his hand. "Thanks!" He said cheerfully.

The Navigator shook Gon's hand and said, "I would be happy to serve as your Navigator next year, as well." He then walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Suddenly, the room started shaking as if there was in earthquake, causing Maya to fall out of her chair and face plant into the floor.

"It appears this room is an elevator." Kurapika said as he helped Maya up to her feet.

Maya rubbed her, now red, nose and bitterly said, "It seems so."

"The bastard, that means he expects us to fail this year." Leorio said as he sat in a different chair and rubbed his chin.

"Once every three years." Kurapika said.

"What's that?" Leorio asked a she looked over.

"The frequency which a rookie passes the exam." Kurapika said as he and Gon at in the other two seats while Maya still stood and glared at the chair she had fallen out of.

"It's that unusual?" Gon asked Kurapika.

"Some cannot endure the physical and mental strain. It's also no unusual for veterans to break the rookies, who consequently never retake the test." Kurapika finished.

"So I guess some people will do anything to become Hunters." Gon said.

"Well of cohese, my friend! Hunters make the most money in this world!"
Leorio said.

"No!" Kurapika said as he stood up. "Hunters are the most noble in this world."

Maya rolled her eyes as she took out two fruit bars that Shar had made for Maya's journey.

"Glory hog...." Leorio said.

"Money grubber!" Kurapika yelled.

Maya rolled her eyes once again as she gave Gon a fruit bar.

"You two! Listen..." Leorio said shouting in Maya and Gon's faces. "Every year, over fifty Hunters make the lost of the world's richest people!"

"Hunters are associated with hunting wild game and treasure, but they are all second-rate. True Hunters work to protect people and the natural order." Kurpaika said fiercely.

"Now, look here... Once you're a Hunter, most countries will give you a free pass!" Leorio yelled.

"Hunters have many difficult and important responsibilities, such as preserving cultural artifacts and endangered species, as well as catching wanted criminals and unscrupulous Hunters." Kurapika said as he raised a finger.

"The fame and money..." Leorio went on.

"Profound knowledge, a healthy mind and body, and unyielding conviction. Those are the qualities in which Hunters pride themselves on!" Kurapika yelled.

The two growled at each other and then looked over at Gon and Maya once more. "What do you two think? Which Hinter would you most aspire to be?"

"Well when you out it that way..." Gon said, but just then there was a ding as a screen above the elevator doors read 'B 100'

"I think we're here." Maya said impatiently as she still nibbled on her fruit bar.

The elevator door opened, revealing and underground tunnel that would possibly lead to the future of the four applicants and many more.

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