Run X Or X Drop

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It's been two hours since the exam started, we've traveled about thirty kilometers in this time period. A ton of people have already dropped like flies, how many more will do the same?

Maya thought to herself as she ran at a reasonable pace like others, she was in the middle of the group, keeping rope with Kurapika and Gon while Leorio in the front a bit and yelled at a white haired kid on a skateboard, he was too young to be Maya's age, but around the same.

Maya heard Leorio yell that it was an endurance test. "No it isn't." Gon said.

"What are you saying, Gon?" Leorio asked while sweat poured down his angry face.

"The examiner only told us to follow him, dear Leorio." Maya said in sing-song voice as she caught up and let herself into the conversation.

"Whose side are you two on?!" Leorio yelled at them.

The wait haired kid slowed his skateboard a little to be at the same pace as Gon and Maya. "Hey, how old are you two?" He asked them.

"I'm twelve-years-old." Gon said.

"Thirteen." Maya replied a but shy.

The kid then jumped off of his skate board and flipped up into the air, only to catch it expertly before it went to high or fell to the ground. "Guess I'll run too." He said.

"Wow! That was so cool!" Gon said.

"Agreed." Maya said.

"I'm Killua." The white haired kid said.

"I'm Gon." Gon said as he kept pace with Killua.

"I'm Maya." She said as she waved kindly at him and smiled.

Four hours into the exam some people were still going strong while others dropped out like flies once again. At one point, Maya heard a scream of anguish and despair. She, Gon, and Killua had run alongside each other silently only occasionally talking to each other about random things.

Maya glanced behind her while she was in back and saw Leorio had dropped his briefcase and was standing still with his hands on his knees while he panted. Gon and Maya slowed to a stop and watched Leorio.

"Hey, forget him. Let's hurry and catch up again." Killua said as he stood beside them.

"Now, now Leorio. I knew you couldn't be out of steam already." Maya said, just as Leorio mumbled something and blasted towards them at a running pace and passed the three kids and caught up with the rest of the group.

Gon pulled out his fishing rod and hooked Leorio's briefcase and reeled it in to hold while he ran. "Cool!" Killua said.

"Gon, just give me the briefcase and I'll carry it." Maya said as they started running towards the rest of the Hunter applicants

"Let me try that later." Killua said.

"If you let me try out your skateboard, okay?" Gon said.

"Deal." Killua replied.

About twenty kilometers later, the applicants approach stairs and Satotz started running himself. This meant that everyone else was made to full on sprint up the stairs at a rapid pace.

"Hey, either of you hungry?" Maya asked as she pulled out more fruit bars and offered them to Gon and Killua.

Killua and Gon took them and thanked her. Maya began running as she nibbled on the snack.

"Hey, do you two want to race to see who finishes first?" Killua proposed.

"Sure, the losers have to buy the winner dinner." Gon said.

"Gon, do you really want to but me food? Oh, that's so sweet." Maya said as she finished up her fruit bar.

"Ready...." They all said.

"Go!" Maya yelled.

The three broke out into full sprints up the stairs as they raced towards the never-ending finish.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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