Accidental things and Anger

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Riya came to them. "Come with me." She whispered, pulling Sumedh. He got angry, but Richa shook her head. So he went with Riya. They went into a room. "What?" He spatted. She closed the door and immediately hugged him. "Are you nuts? What are you doing?" He hissed. "I love you and I want you Sumu. I can't even imagine my life without you baby." 

"Seriously, you're crazy!" He glared.

"Sumu, listen!" 

"Don't call me Sumu. I hate,  especially if YOU call me Sumu."

A tear escaped her eye. She wiped it.

"You crying?" He asked.

She nodded.

'Who cares.' He thought.

"I love you. I need you and I need to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm here to win you from that bitch!" She said. "WHAT?" His anger reached to peaks and he slapped her. She cried. He didn't even care her. He again slapped her hard. She fell on the bed.

"You don't have any care for me? You don't love me?" She asked shocked, as she thought that he loves her. "Who cares!" He spatted. She got broken. "And for your kind information, I hate you! I hate you, coz, you hate my lady love, my jaan, Richa! She loves me and I love her back equally. That slap is for calling her bitch! She's not, you're!" He almost shouted. She cried her heart out. "Who cares!" He mumbled and went out of the room. She cried her heart out. He makeup was worn out and her face was looking pale.

Devansh came. "Riya?" He called. She looked up. "Hmm." She said, hiding her face and wiping tears. "You don't need to wipe your tears hiding your face." He said. She thought how does he knows that she's crying. "Riya, I know you're wondering that how I knew that you're crying!" He said. She started crying again. 'He understands me! I got a friend who understands me!" She thought, crying. "Shh...!!!! Don't cry!" He said taking her to him. She cried in his chest. "I know how you're now. Just relax and be calm. Taking revenge is a waste of time." He said. She looked at him. He wiped her tears. They stared at each others eyes for sometime. That staring became a kiss. They broke the kiss, when they heard a voice near the door. It was Richa. "Deva, Riya, come on. They're calling." She said and looked at Devansh. A slight blush played on his cheeks. "Bhabhi no!" He mouthed. She chuckled and they came out. Riya wondered how she kissed Devansh.

Next day, it was the big day for Priyanka and Aadesh. "Didaaa!!!! I'm gonna miss you!" Sumedh said, hugging her. A tear escaped her eye. "I'm gonna miss you too. You've been like a mom and dad to me. You never let me feel their absence, I mean when they were on some tours, you've taken care of me. You've given that love, a mother gives and that care, a father gives. I really miss you a lot Sumu." She said, with teary eyes. "Okay! No crying! Priya! Get ready soon!" Anuradha said, taking back her emotions. Priyanka nodded and stylists helped her to get ready. She looked beautiful in the traditional marathi attire. Aadesh too looked elegant in that traditional marathi attire. After an hour they started the rituals. "Sumu, take this and go to Priyanka. Give this to her and tell her to wear this." Auradha said. Sumedh nodded taking that small plate of bangles. Meanwhile, Richa came there, followed by Riya. Sumedh didn't see that and he turned back, fell on Richa and they accidentally kissed. Riya got angry. She turned back and ran from there. Devansh saw that. Everyone got shocked. They got embarrassed. They got up, gave each other a look and blushed. They went from there. 

Devansh ran behind Riya. She was sobbing. She didn't see him. She ran to Sumedh. That time wedding got over. They all are just sitting and talking. Riya ran to Sumedh. She held his shoulder and make him stand. He gave her a deadly glare. She kissed him. He got shocked. Richa got shocked and she stood up, cupping her mouth. Everyone got horrified. Sumedh threw her away and slapped her. She fell on the ground. "YOU WHORE!" He shouted and he was about to slap her again, but Devansh interrupted. "Bhayya!" He said and shook his head. Riya is even more broken. She ran away from there and started packing her clothes. "Bhayya, don't slap her. I'm there for her." Devansh said. 

"Deva, what are you talking about? You want to help her?" 

"No bhayya. I just need to win her heart. That's why I'm doing all this. Please! don't slap her again. She is almost broken. If you do that again, she'll commit a suicide." 

"Who cares Deva?"

"I care bhayya. I love her! Can't you understand. I mean, are you not happy with it?" 

"I am of course happy. But..."

"No bhayya. Don't do that again." 

Sumedh nodded. Richa kept her hand on his shoulder. "Just calm down love. Deva will handle everything." She said. He nodded. Vasudev got a doubt. "What's actually happening?" Vasudev asked. Richa explained everything. Devansh heard that. He convinced Riya and got her out. She got a doubt on him. 'Is he in love with me? Or is it just my thought? I need to find out!' She thought. "What is that secret Devansh?" She asked. "Nothing some business matters and rivalry." He said. She nodded.

After a couple of hours, they finally gave a send off to Priyanka. Anuradha and Sumedh cried a lot. Richa went with them. Riya was just thinking about her mission impossible. Devansh consoled Sumedh. Vasudev consoled Anuradha. Finally they all sat in the hall with Devansh parents. "Finally Sumedh is also getting married." Devansh dad said. "Haan. That too he's getting married to that girl Richa. She's a sweet and innocent girl. Very patient and very understanding. My son will be happy with her." Vasudev said smiling, thinking about the future, when Richa comes there and does everything and takes care of everyone, especially his son. Riya over hears this and comes running to the living room. "He's only mine and he will be mine!" She shouted.

"Are you insane Riya! Can't you see they're discussing about my and Richa's marriage. They accepted us and if you try, they won't even accept you. Yeah I can and that they first accepted you. But not now. Richa is becoming my wife. No, no! Richa is my wife. She's Richa Sumedh Mudgalkar. You can't even take that place in my life ever!" Sumedh too shouted.

"I'll just win you. I came here to win you!" She hissed.

"I'm not a toy to win Riya! I'm a human! I too have feelings. You can't hurt them. You don't even have the right to hurt them!" Sumedh said.

"I love you Sumedh! Can't you understand!" A tear drop fell down her cheek. She hugged him.

Sumedh threw her away and slapped her hard that his hand print was on her cheek. Now her cheek was burning. She ran to her room and started crying.

Devansh went to Sumedh. "Bhayya come with me!" He said. Sumedh went with him. "Yeah!" He asked, frustratingly. "What did you do bhayya? I asked to not to do all those things. Then why did you do? You're seriously insane!" Devansh said. "Please Deva! She deserves it! She can't even understand that Richa is my wife. That's what made me slap her. "Bhayya this is a serious promise now. I'm gonna win her heart until your wedding time. This is a promise. She just thinks me as a good friend. That's why I didn't do it today. Or else I used to it long back." Devansh said. "Please do that Deva! A torture will be yours and she'll love you as she loves me now." Sumedh said. Devansh nodded, planning for tomorrow.

Sumedh! OMG! What did you do! Yeah she deserves slapping. Fine! 😁 Ahem Ahem! Devansh what's going on? 😉 Riya! Don't do this again! Please! Okay, so do you think Devansh will win Riya's heart?

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