The Fight

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A/N: This chapter's on the looong side, and I'm curious about whether that's a good or bad thing. Any thoughts for me? Leave 'em in the comments. I'm trying to find the sweet spot on these. 

By the time Spencer arrives, my world has blurred beautifully. Jared's still making out with a blonde I don't recognize, and I haven't seen Havi, Marshall, or Derek in a little while now.

"Spencer!" I cry at his appearance, reaching out to hug him and sloshing liquid over the carpet.

"Oops," I giggle. "Little tipsy." Even I can hear that I'm slurring and Spencer's eyes round.

"You okay, Lo?" He asks, peering at me in confusion. He knows how my dad died and I'm pretty sure he knows that getting fucked up isn't part of my typical repertoire.

"'Mokay," I say, leaning into Spencer's chest. He wraps an arm around me and looks for backup a little helplessly. "Sam's here with Beth."

"What?" Ryan's come up behind me, holding a glass of water. I drink it greedily as he and Spencer share introductions. Even in my state, I can tell that Ryan's bristled on my behalf.

"Sam's here with some other girl," I mutter. There's water dripping down my chin and Spencer looks at me pitifully before swiping a thumb below my lips and cleaning it. I dart my tongue out to lick his hand and he laughs.

"Chill, girl," he admonishes teasingly. I tease back, repeating his words and adding a finger point. When Spencer laughs, I try it on Ryan, who doesn't. He's looking at me like he's genuinely concerned.

"Sam's the dude you were telling me about the other day. The roommate, right?" Ryan asks. I duck my head, a little embarrassed.

"He's in your room now!" I exclaim suddenly. "My roommate's in your room!" I try to make it sound like a joke; it comes out flat. Ryan's eyes shift to the staircase angrily and I can tell he's about to head up there.

It turns out he doesn't need to, because Sam and Beth are coming down the stairs now. Sam looks like sex, his lips swollen, hair tousled. Beth, too, looks thoroughly fucked. I shut my eyes and try to pretend I'm somewhere else. Somewhere tropical, maybe. It's almost working until Sam's voice breaks through my thoughts, too close.

"Spence, what're you doing here, man?"

My eyes shoot open to see my asshole roommate—the guy I can't seem to get out of my goddamn head—standing with his arm around Beth and watching me smugly. For what must be the hundredth time since meeting him, I want to slap him across the face.

"Heard you were in my room, bro." Ryan's standing a little taller than usual, his broad chest puffed out. Peacocking. Sam doesn't react the same way, instead slouching a little more aggressively, looking derisively over Ryan.

"My bad, dude. I didn't realize it was off-limits." Sam's smirk highlights the obvious lie.

"Next time you need to get your rocks off, do it in your own space," Ryan says.

Beth is looking between Ryan, Sam, and me with a kind of confused annoyance. Spencer is holding my hand and staying awfully silent. I am...drunk.

"Yeah, whatever, man," Sam says, turning to walk away. I can feel Ryan tense at that. I love the kid, but he's got a hell of a temper when he feels he's been disrespected. I lift a hand toward his shoulder, trying to stop him, but he's already out of my range, stepping into Sam's space.

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