The Conversation

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"Now what's a talented singer like yourself doing in a place like this?" He asks as he looks you over.

"Just passing through," you reply as you take a sip from your drink. "Thanks again by the way," you say as you gesture towards the drink he bought you.

"Well it's the least I could do. A pretty girl like yourself deserves a free drink. Especially with pipes like yours," he begins to chuckle a little. "I guess you could say you can lean on me for your drinks," he smirks as he laughs at his own joke.

"Oh my god you're so lame," the joke was pretty lame, but you couldn't help but giggle a little.

"So what brings you into town?"

"Work, what about you? Just passing through or are you a local?"

"Just passing through. I'm ahhh, actually in town on business," he pulls out a badge that says FBI.

You thought that was funny, seeing as you were carrying your FBI badge. Although, yours was fake. It seemed strange to you that he was an FBI agent. After all, he didn't really have that look.

"Ahh I didn't realize I was speaking to an agent."

"Yeah it's no big deal. Just trying to keep America safe," he says with a wink and a sip of his drink.

"Well America thanks you," you reply, giving him a smile.

"So what about you?"

"What about me?"

"You know, what brings you to town? What's your work?"

"Ohh, umm..." you stumble a little as you try to think of a cover. "...I'm a photographer" not your best idea, but it'll do. "I'm in town to shoot a wedding."

"Oh a photographer? That's awesome. Maybe you could take pictures of me some time?" Dean gives you a little pose and you giggle.

"Yeah maybe. You do have a look worth photographing."

"Are you trying to say that I'm attractive?" He asks as he raises his eyebrow.

"You're alright," you say as you look him over.

"Well you're not so bad yourself. You should give me your number. Maybe we could ahh...photograph each other sometime," he says giving you that seductive glance and smirk.

You stare into his eyes a little, just thinking about whether or not you should. You decide why not? It's not like you're gonna see the guy again once you leave town.

You stretch out your hand. "Give me your phone," he passes it to you and you begin to add your number. "So...that guy you walked in with, is he your partner?"

"Yeah that's my brother Sam."

You hand him his phone back. "He's also your brother?"

"Yeah. That's my little brother Sammy."

"Little?" You chuckle. "The man's built like a sasquatch."

"Yeah I guess I shouldn't say little anymore. He's my younger brother."

"So what's your guys story?"

He begins to tell you about him and his brother. How they've been through hell and back but they're still standing. He asks about you. You tell him a bit about yourself, being careful not to tell him too much, since he wouldn't believe the things you've seen. It's better that people don't know about the things in the dark. Especially since he would just think you're crazy!


You and Dean have been talking for about two hours. Where did the time go?! He was so easy to talk to, and very interesting to listen to. It was like talking to an old friend you hadn't seen in a while. Realizing how late it was, you decide to head out, after all, you've got a case to solve, and it's not like the ghost was gonna salt and burn itself!

"I can't believe it's 12am already!" You exclaim as you check your phone for the time.

"Wow. It didn't feel that long at all. I guess you're really easy to talk to," he says, smiling at you.

You get up from your stool. You finish off your drink and put back on your leather jacket that you had took off while talking to Dean.

"I've gotta go."

"I could give you a ride home?"

"That's OK, I've got some stuff I really need to get to. But uhh, you should give me a call. I should be in town for the next two days at least. Maybe we can meet up again?"

"I will definitely be doing that."

"Alright. I'll be seeing you Dean," you start to walk away when he grabs your arm.

"Wait. I want to give you something," he says. Before you can ask him what, he brings you in closer and grabs your face gently. He gives you two gentle, but passionate kisses. You had to hold on to the bar just to make sure you didn't trip. You hadn't been kissed in a while, and this kiss made your knees weak a little.

"Just a little something to remember me by," he says as he smiles and caresses your cheek a little.

You smile. "Don't forget to call me Dean Winchester."

"I would never."

He let's go of your cheek and you continue making your way outside. You get in your truck, before you pull out, you notice Dean standing in the doorway of the bar. He gives you a little wave goodbye, and you give him a little honk as you hit the road. After that kiss, it was hard to focus on the case. You decided you'd get some sleep tonight, and start fresh in the morning.

To be continued...

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