Damien Thorn

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It had been a long morning. You and the Winchester boys were stuck in the room doing research on the history of the house that the three of you had visited the night before. Sam and you were sitting across from each other at the small table in the corner of the motel room; your laptops were out in front of you as the two of you searched for whatever information you could find on the house and the previous owners. Dean could be seen sitting on the edge of one of the two beds; he was making a few calls, trying to figure out what he could about the ghost that haunted the abandoned house in the woods.

"Arggghhh," Dean expressed his frustration. He was clearly getting irritated, seeing as the three of you had been cooped up in the small motel room for what felt like hours. He was getting impatient.

"I just want to punch something already," Dean expressed his need to get out of the room.

"Someone's getting antsy," you reply to him, not taking your eyes off the online news article you were currently reading.

"Ughh I know. We've been cooped up in this motel room just staring at screens," Dean rubs his eyes as though trying to refresh himself. "OK so what exactly do we know?"

Sam, exiting from his laser focus state, responded to his brother. "Alright, we know that the ghost we saw last night was Damien Thorn," Sam turns his laptop to display a picture of the man whose ghost had slammed you against the concrete wall. His hair was just as black as the night you saw him, but his skin was a little more lively. In the picture, Damien was wearing the same clothing his ghost was wearing. A pair of old blue jeans that looked like they had seen better times, and a long sleeve black shirt. Around his neck hung a crucifix on a beaded chain. The necklace in this picture wasn't on the ghost that threw you across the room, but your memory was likely fuzzy seeing as you were probably concussed. The picture was of him standing on the steps of what was once his house.

"We know he lived alone-" Sam continued, "-and he mostly kept to himself. There wasn't really much that was noteworthy about him until 1979 when he and a local prostitute were found dead in his basement. The prostitute was found on the floor, cause of death was drowning. Damien was found in the bath tub filled with water, his wrists were slashed. They deemed it a murder-suicide. "

"So far the victims have all been girls," you chime in. "All of them teens, but that could just be because teenagers are the only ones stupid enough to explore a haunted house in the middle of the night." You get up from your chair and start walking around the room in an attempt to stretch your legs. "They all died from drowning," you pause for a moment, "in an area with no water."

"OK so obviously the son of a bitch is drowning girls who enter the house." Dean says.

"Yeah but not all of them," Sam adds. "The last group of kids that were at the house had three girls, two were killed but the other wasn't even touched." Sam was referring to the most recent murder case that had drawn your attention to the job in the first place. A group of five teenagers had taken it upon themselves to visit the abandoned house in the middle of the night. Three girls and two boys, ranging between 16 and 17 years of age. Two girls never made it out that night. Their bodies were found in the basement of the house.

"Alright so clearly there's something else to the pattern that we're just not seeing," you say.

"Does it really matter? Let's just find his bones, salt and burn the bastard and be done with it!" Dean was now up from the bed, looking ready to get the job done.

"It's not that easy," you turn to face Dean as you speak. "I already tried to find out where he was buried."

"And?" Sam asks as he also gets up from his seat, joining you and Dean in the middle of the room.

"No burial site, he was cremated. I've spent the last 48 hours trying to figure out what object he might be attached to." Since there were no bones to burn, you figured the more you knew about what happened to Damien Thorn and why he was killing girls, the easier it would be to figure out what object was keeping him on earth.

"Ahh it's never easy is it?" Dean rubs his forehead in aggravation. "OK what was the name of the girl who wasn't killed that night?"

"Sarah Blanch," Sam answered.

"I spoke to her earlier," you tell the boys. "She didn't say too much. Although I think that might be because her parents were present." You had spoken to her the first day on the job. She didn't tell you much about what happened that night. She explained that her and her friends thought it'd be fun to check out the house, but they heard a noise that freaked them out so they all ran. When they got to the nearest road, they realized that their two friends weren't behind them, and the next day their bodies were found in the basement. At the time you could tell that she wasn't telling you the whole story. The fear in her eyes made that clear, but with her parents hovering over her while you questioned her, you couldn't exactly press her for more information.

Dean checks his phone for the time. "Well it's 12:30pm right now. She should be on a lunch break from school. (Y/N) why don't we head over to the school, see if we can find her and get her to talk?"

"Sounds like a plan." You grab your phone and wallet off the table.

"I'll stay here," Sam sat back down at the table in front of his laptop. "I'll see if I can find anything else that might give us some answers. I'll call if I find something."

With that, you and Dean set off in his Impala to Sunnydale High School to find and question Sarah Blanch, while Sam remained in the motel room, downing his third cup of coffee while he did his research. You usually preferred to work alone, but you couldn't very well tell them to beat it after they got you out of the house when you passed out. Besides, maybe the added perspectives on the case would make things run more smoothly. You could only hope.

To be continued...

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